
Dimenhydrinate is a chemical found in motion sickness pills. It depresses the middle-ear functions causing relief from motion sickness symptoms in low doses while causing hallucinations and dizziness in high doses.


You can take anywhere from 6 - 20 pills to achieve the effects mentioned. It has been recommended that first timers take between 8 and 12 pills (depending on weight) to gain a feel for the drug.


Yes ingoddamndeed. You can buy Dramamine at your local supermarket, gas station, 7-11, whatever.


It takes about an hour for the full effects of this drug to be reached, maybe even more. You know when it hits you though. The most screwed up thing is a complete loss of balance. Walking around without falling on your ass is quite the challenge. Small hallucinations are possible (your pen sprouts legs and begins a journey across your desk). And auditory hallucinations (hearing shit) come into the picture at higher doses. Short term memory is shot to fuck. As soon as you finish a thought, you forget what it was you were thinking about. To the casual observer, you would look quite weird. Slack-jawed, red faced, dialated pupils, possibly a hunched posture, maybe even drooling. The feeling is like floating on a cloud during a hurricane (or something to the effect).

Duration The trip should last about 4-6 hours, but it may take up to 24 hours for the drug to fully leave the system.

So.. Let me tell you about my first experience with this shit. I took a good solid 10 pills along with a Sobe Adrenaline to keep me awake. I put on "Shawshank Redemtion" on the DVD on this computer and commenced kicking back. Fifteen minutes into the thing I started shaking bad. I think it was the caffeine coupled with the body telling me that something new and powerful was in it. I got up to get myself some water. I felt a little heavier than usual, and like i could fall and crack the floor if someone pushed me. A bit like a nicotine buzz.

I sit down with my water and watch the movie. I start getting into it, but I'm not really buzzed unless I'm moving. Around halfway through the movie I decide to get up.


You know what it feels like when youre completely stoned off your ass and you take one more lungful of sweet sweet cannabis from a bong and stand up for the duration?

Like that. I felt so incredibly buzzed, and everything around me was getting that greenish haze, and I didn't think I could stand too long. So I went to lie down.

I continue watching the movie, but while I'm doing that, I'm nodding off. The thing is, I had been playing Starcraft all day, so when my eyes were closed, I was actually dreaming that I was playing Starcraft. If I wanted to open my eyes I actually had to close the program before I did. That really pissed me off. (Have sex with your girlfriend or something before you take these pills)

So I sit up to watch the movie. The room is slowly moving in little circles around my head, but I dont care because of the heightened anger I'm feeling that I wasted my peak playing a Starcraft hallucination.

So the movie ends. An excellent movie, by the way, and I stand up. I remember thinking its like a DXM trip in a way, but I turn off the computer and decide to see if I can pray with this shit.

I put on some Native American shamanic shit, and lie down on my mat. In essense I fall asleep or entranced into the music. The fifty minutes the CD took felt like only five. But that was all. No visuals, no glowing mystical experiences, That pissed me off, so I went out into the kitchen for more water. Here is where my hallucinations started.

They were really weak hallucinations, but they instilled a bit of fear in me because I thought they were real for a few seconds.

I saw a plate fall off the counter with no provocation. It was 1 AM so I'm thinking it'll wake everyone up and I'll be there tripping in the kitchen. But it was a visual.

I take my water back in my room and sit down to think. I see some kind of animal crawling across my desk. Scares the hell out of me. I saw a few other animals on the floor as well as a colony of ants by my printer.

By this time I'm going down. I can tell. The buzz is receding, but the visuals are still there. Not too good, but still visuals. The most common one was enlargement of those little things you can see in your plane of vision. I forget what they're called, but sometimes when you let your eyes go out of focus you can see spots or lines or little shit like that just floating across your vision path.

Yeah. those were much larger and took the shape of things.

So. I decided to play a little guitar. I could barely do it I was so tired. I play much better when I'm clean, but I'm playing anyway. In my little trance I see the face of this girl in the corner of my eye. I look and shes gone, but I think she was my first girlfriend from back in the day. (thats an interesting little coincidence if you happen to know me)

I put down my guitar and walk out again. I'm quite pissed off. The trip was more uncomfortable than it was fun, and the crash of the caffeine is making me all pessimistic and shit. So I'm standing in the kitchen finishing my water, and I decide to go to sleep.

I lie down on the bed, and think about the whole experience. I fall asleep within two minutes and have some colorful wonderful kick ass dreams. Wish I could remember them, but I know they were kick ass. I wake up fourteen hours later and go through the day a little distant. And that's that.

My second experience.

This one was a bit better than the first. I took just 12 pills of Dramamine. No caffeine this time, so I passed out early.

I took the pills as I was cooking my dinner. This time I made some sort of offering to the spirit of the drug. (I put some salt and pepper in the Dramamine tube and chucked it out into the dirt area behind the house)

I'm sure that sounds silly, but I didn't have any tobacco and I didn't want another comedown like I'd had before.

I ate my dinner, and then walked around for a bit. I sat and prayed on a recliner and then went to brush my teeth. Afterwards I came to this here computer and sat down to watch some pornography, and some Simpsons reruns I downloaded.

When I finished with that, I stood up. Again I felt the pull I did before. I couldn't walk straight and it was taking me a lot of effort to keep my head six feet above the floor. So I opened up a futon and layed down. I put on some Rainbow (the band Ritchie Blackmore formed after Deep Purple) and drifted away. The music was positively heavenly. At intervals, my eyes would open and I would look around. In the darkened room, the walls and celing seemed to have veins and a pulse. I also saw moving shadows like before. I got some weak closed-eye visuals, and heard some voices as well.

I turned off the stereo when the cd ended and went out to the living room. By now I'm peaking and I feel like I'm flying. I sit down in my recliner and meditate for a bit. It seems almost like I'm floating in olive oil or something. I thought so many things in that twenty minutes, but I forgot every last one of them. (thats the thing with this shit, everything feels like a blurry dream)

After that, I went to my bed and passed out. Once again I had some wonderful dreams, but I remember none.

This morning I woke up, and still felt like I was tripping. Everything had this sheen to it and I was walking like you do, say, six hours after smoking weed. I had a few shadow movements, and my throat was clogged with phlegm, but it was fun. I like this stuff.

It's an uncomfortable and sleepy trip, but if you want a buzz and don't have much money, go pick up a tube of this. I personally would suggest sticking to DXM for your legal over-the-counter highs, but what do I know, right?
