******THIS PAGE WAS LAST UPDATED: 7/1/2002******

Sorry I haven't been updating this page. I've been a little busy and have also been learning a few html codes. I'll try to get this site back in order. This page will look more cleaner, the pictures will be in thumbnail form and I will be adding real audio. I may just start a whole new KoRn site instead since angelfire sucks.

Hi. WeLcoMe To My KoRn PaGe! ThiS PaGe Is On It'S WaY. aLL I HaVe LeFt To aDD ArE TaBs AnD ThE FaN ArT SeCtIoN. EvErYtHiNg eLsE Is FINALLY Up! On ThiS SiTe YoU'LL FiNd LoTs Of PicTuReS, LyRiCs, Bios, LoGoS, MiDiS, ReaL AuDiOs, A DeDiCaTiOn PaGe To My IdoL JoNaThAn DaViS etc. If YoU HaVe AnY FaN ArT, PoEmS, StOrIeS Or AnY LeTTeRs SaYiNg ThaNk YoU To KoRn, ThaT YoU WouLd LiKe Me To Add To ThiS PaGe, JusT SenD TheM To HIVer_83@hotmail.com AnD I WiLL Add ThEm A.S.A.P. I HoPe YoU EnJoY My PaGe. Oh AnD BeFoRe YoU LeAvE, PlEaSe SiGn My GuEsBooK =) *PeAcE*

"Untouchables" has finally arrived so all you KoRn fans be sure to go out and pick up your copy. It's an awsome cd and definitly worth the long wait. KoRn did a great JoB on this one. If you buy it you won't be sorry!!!!!!!!!

© Copyright 2002 KoRnChiK2k All Rights Reserved.

Email: kornchik83@hotmail.com