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As Seen On Computers and Services News!

NEWS CLIP:Server will be shuting down and be going up and down. We have had problems!

Labeled with ICRA.<br>The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent organization that empowers the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of the open and objective labelling of content. ICRAs dual aims are to:<br>- protect children from potentially harmful material<br>- to protect free speech on the internet.

NEWZFLASH:New stafff and we have released truconnects 3.4! In other stuff i added some staff members and we might get another server administrator."'s chat server and services are simply awesome. Free webpages, msg board, url redirection, and many other things that could help your business grow! Even stuff for kids is great! is amazing!I give a 10/10 rating.

Thanks To:
    Our Other Site!
  • SZone!

  • AXPI What would TruConnects do with without its neighbor server, Please join there server and you might see a whole new prespective.

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    To rate, please e-mail us with your rating out of 10. Hope you like truconnects.

    Hello. Welcome to the IRC server TruConnects + Unlimited. Our server's address has changed. Our new connection is at port 6667. Have Fun.

    -Vegeta233 - server admin/owner/webmaster

    Our Server
    You may not be able to get on the server sometimes. We lost our static IP and someone named WEB took over the server and droped all our nicks and some channels. We are trying to fix all this and are changing the Key and our passwords. We are also very disappointed that web would do such a thing like this.

    -Vegeta233 - server admin/owner/webmaster

    Giving Thanks
    My name is mark. I would like to thank Vegeta233 for his kindness and his loving ways for without them the dream of becoming an ircop on a server would have never come true and i would like to thank him for everything he's done.

    -Supreme_Kero - services admin/alt-webmaster

    Yes. I got some of the things updated on the website. I got some profiles up for the staff members, and the MSG boards will have the URL posted at the top of the page.

    -Vegeta233 - server admin/owner/webmaster

    The bot will come in the servers sometime and have a trivia. You can with prizes and stuff like that. Please click here for more information.

    -Vegeta233 - server admin/owner/webmaster

    Plans for the futer
    So far we might be thinking about getting a slide menu. Me and Vegeta233 we disscussing it earlier. There is an example of it at and we might get one.

    -Supreme_Kero - services admin/alt-webmaster

    Our server is growing!!! Please be sure and register your nickname and channel with truconnects unlimited today!

    -Supreme_Kero - services admin/alt-webmaster

    Thanks to PhantomCow2
    I would like to thank PhantomCow2 for giving us some pointers on making splash and designing logos. Visit Phantom Designs for some cool designs for your site.

    -Vegeta233 - server admin/owner/webmaster

    New Stuff!
    I got a free features up where you can sign up and get cool TruConnects Features. I have worked on, Free E-mail, Services, TOS. I am going to work some more later, so I will make more stuff.

    -Vegeta233 - server admin/owner/webmaster

    TruConnects 3.4 released!!
    TruConnects 3.4 has been released. To get it please contact Vegeta233 to get it. It has all the miRC features but customized to fit your mIRC.

    -Vegeta233 - server admin/owner/webmaster

    If you don't get it
    If you don't get what this page is, it is an IRC server. To visit the electronics store, please go here

    -Vegeta233 - server admin/owner/webmaster


    ©Copyright 2002 TruConnects. ®All rights reserved.
    We have updated the site. Please check back for more updates.