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.sOnG pLayInG. - Ja Rule - .pAiN iSh LoVe.

"A tHuG iSh a tHuG
bUt wHy diS tHuG
caNt fYnD tRu l0v3
iN y0oH..."

.:[[NaM3]]:. jayjay

.:[[StAtUs]]:. i got mai eye on taht pretty khmer gurl *winks wink

.:[[aKa]]:. baby rasko, pookie..

.:[[ag3]]:. old enuff..
.:[[y3aR oB tHa]]:.

.:[[s3x]]:. where, when, n wat tyme? j/p

.:[[r3pReS3ntiN]]:. kali daygo

.:[[h3igHt]]:. kinda tall [5'10-5'11]

.:[[eye c0LoR]]:. black

.:[[hAiR c0LoR]]:. brownish black

.:[[hAiR sTyLe]]:. spike, slick back

.:[[fAv0rIte w0rd t0oh sAe]]:. 'wat cuz?', 'wats cracka lackin'

.:[[fAv0rIte sHoeS]]:. B-boots, Lugz, old sckewl Kicks

.:[[fAv0rIte f0oD]]:. anything good..

.:[[dAt3 oB bIrtH]]:. dec.13

.:[[NaTi0nAliTy]]:. khmer

.:[[faVoRit3 c0LoR]]:. bLu3 cUz

.:[[oN mY fRe3 tyMe..]]:. chill wid tha homies [mostly], kick back n watch my tv, or out spending tyme wid my gurl [if onlee i had one by my side..]

.:[[wAt i wAnT iN a gUrl]]:. ...i dun mind her being short, i dun mind her being mean, i dun mind her looks, her figure, her attitude, as long as she knoew how to treat me rite. i want a gurl who i can count on, rely on, and depend on. i want a gurl whos sweet, carin, n honest. [honesty is tha main key to all relationship..]i want a gurl who can make me smyle wenever im feeling down, i want a gurl who i can talk to, share my thoughts wid, and not b afraid to open up wid me.i want a gurl who will stand by my side thru tha good tymes n tha bad, n not b so ez to give up...i want a gurl to treat me tha way i treat her...i want a gurl to b myne n onlee mine

vIew mAi sHyT

sIgn mAi sHyt