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.............................. English ............ ............ Italiano..............................


Italy is a city with its 16th century walled fortification turned into a beautiful park.
Italy is a 12th century tower of stone and brick rising high above the buildings of the city with 7 full sized evergreen trees growing on top.
Italy is a young man on a motorscooter driving the wrong way on a one way street past two policemen who ignore him.
Italy is arrows that direct you the wrong way to the toilette, and when find it you can't figure out how to flush it.
Italy is a woman in high heels, nylons and a business suit, riding a bicycle wiht one hand and talking on a cell phone with the other.
Italy is more motorscooters than you knew existed all on the same city block and headed straight for you.
Italy is a land where the Pisan tram driver sings opera arias while he drives you to see the leaning tower.
Italy is charming, fun, too loud much of the time, too foggy sometimes but one of the most interesting places I have ever visited.
-somebody smart