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I really am Irish.
Both my parents were born in
Dublin and migrated to the U.S
when I was three.
I was fortunate enough
to visit Dublin
three years ago
after I graduated from college.
This was a gift from
my parents
The best gift I have
ever received!!
Enjoy my globes
and come back
My pages will grow each week
I love Jonathon Bowsers art
, Victorian ,Faeires
Angels and of course!

May your thoughts be
as glad as the shamrocks,
May your heart be as
light as a song,
May each day bring you
bright happy hours,
That stay with you
all the year long.

This Jonathon Earl Bowser Goddess Of Art Net Ring
site owned by Bridgett.

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"Beauty, strength, youth,
are flowers but fading seen;
Duty, faith, love,
are roots, and ever green."
-- George Peele - 1597
© Irishmiss


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