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Nov. 3, 2004
Hey everyone, long time no see I guess, wow you guys must all really miss me by now, hell I know I would =). Well since you all seem to have your xanga things to keep in touch with I decided to do the same except with my own website, you know cuz I'm cool like that. Well I guess the point of these things is to talk about my life and stuff so... I'm gonna talk about my life and stuff. Well let just start off with Halloween weekend, UCSB's most famous event and named Maxim magazine's #1 national Halloween bash, a weekend filled with lewdness, inihbriation, sexual exploitation and impaired judgement; let the good times begin.

Well on Friday me and my roomate Brian went downtown to get our costume's and we decided to make our own so we went to this thrift shop to look for stuff. I found this really cool Hugh Hefner outfit (I found out later that drunk girls love Hugh Hefner *wink). Anyway's Tina came over that night and since her and Matt were leaving for the weekend (losers) I hung out with them. Well Saturday was where all the fun began, Brian's girlfriend's sister Rachel came down to visit so she hung out with us, she is a cheerleader and we watched our nationals dvd together (aww nationals *sniff*). She was really cool one of the nicest girls I've ever met. Later when Brian's girlfriend Kristin came back from Work is when the real fun began, we all got ready and we hit DP (Del Playa Drive, the oceanfront street where all the parties happen). All party details at this time will be left confidential but I did wake up at Kristin's, on the floor and in a shirt that wasn't mine...whatev.

Oh DUDE!, Did I tell you guys my neighbor here is Lo from Laguna Beach, and this weekend LC and Stephen came down to visit so I got to meet them too. How crazy is that!

Sorry about the ads on the site, it's the only way I can keep this site free. I know I'm important but I ain't about to fuckin pay just to talk about myself. Also, if you're having trouble viewing the site you probably need the latest version of Macromedia Flash Player which can be found here for free.
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