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Newsletter 15

Everclear 2 Everyone

Newsletter #15

November 23rd, 2001

Everclear2Everyone Members,

Hello everyone! Well I do have one thing I need to tell you first, if you change your screen name/email addy- you need to tell me! If you switch them and don't tell me, there's no way for me to know and then I can't send you the newsletter. So for future reference, if you switch let me know asap!

I didn't do anything on my site this week, I was really busy with school and I was pretty tired. Sorry- but I'll try to do somehting this weekend for you guys! Hey, I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving!

Everclear2Everyone Updates:

Sorry, I didn't have time to do anything this week, today is actually the first day I've been online all week :( So I'm going to archive this newsletter and last week's tomorrow. I'll try to get up some more Robbie pics, but I can't guarantee anything... thanks everyone.


11/17 Chat tomorrow (Saturday) night... I'd like to see a few people in the chat, it'd be fun to be able to tlak to some of you guys who I normally odn't talk to! So if you can make it, stop by!


If you have an idea for my site, please tell me. And if there is something I do not already have on my site and you would like to see it up there, let me know.


There are currently no dates scheduled:(


Here's a cool article on how everclear got started and things like that. It's really good and the author does a good job, so take a look. It's kinda long, but definitely worth the reading. Article


*Because I am a big Robbie fan and I want to do all I can to support him- I'm encouraging you guys to download or play some of his mp3s. His music is really good and I guarantee you'll like it... so take a look and tell me what you think: Robbie Gennet

Date Time Show Station/Channel

{12/04/01} {10:00 pm ET} {The Secret History of Rock 'N' Roll} {Court TV}

*This information was obtained form the Halloween Americana site.


Including anything you want such as comments about this site, links to other everclear related things, poems or songs about the guys, letters to the guys, pictures, drawings, etc... that you'd like to share with the rest of the group. With one exception, please make sure it's somehow everclear related:)

FAN OBSESSION: I wrote a little something this week... my article

~use your head~

The quote of the week is for you to think about, look to the quote, refer back to the song it came from, and find some inspiration! I just want to be able to brighten your day with a little everclear! ------->


"I don't wanna live inside this daydream anymore."

-Otis Redding


An Everclear fan for life,
