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. . . satomi'z page . . .

i tried to do a page in japanese . . . i started one up . . .
well . . . sumtimez life iz happy . . and then at other timez it just sux . . . and then sumtimez it all happenz at the same time . . .
hahaha i havent touched this in a long time . . . this iz the color of my hair rite now . . . newayz . . . mayb ill work more on this when i get bak to irvine aptz . . . i bet noone seez this nemore

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here are some messages to friendz =)
herez poemz i just posted . .
i needed to take the picturez off . . . sorrie
my story!! finally started to write it online . . .=)
experiment #1 . . . will you marry me?
herez my linkz to my frendz pagez
if u want to kno about the bumsquad~
fun stuffz . . kew placez to go~

send me mail~