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Your rolling rivers,
The valleys so dear,
The mountains that reach for the sun,
The spruce and the birch, bluebells and the roses,
All sing out to me call me home.

Oh sweet Alaska,
Your hills are calling me home,
With the sweet smell of springtime,
I long to be there,
Alaska is where I belong.

I'm here in the city,
Singin my songs,
Where the life is so crazy I know,
The traffic jams, and the rush and the roar,
It seems like months I've been gone.

It's the land,
It's the people,
It's the freedom of both,
It's a place you can stretch out and grow,
As thru this whole world I've rambled and roamed,
I've finally found myself home.

Song: "Sweet Alaska" by Susan Grace

CJ's Paintshop

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