Save Lives
3 x 5's

From Pigpen to Paradise

The Heart of the Home

The Happiness File

Box in -- and Be Free!

Warning: This system will allow you to know where -- and when -- everything is. You will have a day off from housekeeping every week and be ready for Christmas by the first week of December. Your taxes will be ready by the end of January and you will have time for yourself, your friends and your family. This will work if you are a stay at home mom, a business person, a two-income family, a farmer or a rocket scientist. Male or female this can work for you. If you are overwhelmed, read on!

The First Step Out of the Pigpen The Sidetracked Home Executives system (SHE) begins with the following steps to begin being organized:
  1. CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE: Begin by forgiving yourself and deciding that today you will begin being organized.
  2. CHANGE YOUR APPEARANCE: This means taking a shower, fixing your hair and makeup, and dressing all the way down to shoes. No self-respecting professional homemaker would begin their day without makeup and with hair that you slept in. This is a habit to form, which may take 3 or 4 weeks.
  3. CUT OUT THE SOAPS. Well, today it's cut out social media. Just checking out YouTube, Facebook or your other favorite platform will mean that an hour -- or more -- has gone by that you didn't get organized.
  4. NO MORE LISTS: You have made lists before when trying to get organized. It's written down, but of the list of 10 things you only do 3. Then you add to the 7, another 10. This is repeated every day and then the list is lost or chewed by the dog, or drooled on by the baby. This is the key to following this system. You will make one more series of lists to keep your home in order. But, you won't need to follow that list. Just follow this system!