randomness :: doodles :: writings :: ghost

8.26.03 || oh the evil....
        Yes, that's right. The new layout is PINK! BWAH! ...extremely pink... But the new layout is more than just the most evil color of them all, it's also a new setup. This is entirely experimental and stuffs, but we're gonna try it out a little bit here. Ghost and Storytellers are back in the same house...thinking about letting the shrine move in as well, but that might piss a lot of ppl off, so there's just gonna be a click me link at the shrine...like the ultimate directory sorta kinda...I dunno. We'll see.

        Anyways, everything's still up, and with their original layouts...kinda like I haven't done anything but make a new splash page or something. I'm still messing with the layout, but hopefully I'll get the rest of everything back online soon. Trying to make this one more user friendly than moonset and that evil green that somehow wound up the same color as the background. Or vice versa. But yeah! 'll try to get stuffs up here soon. Maybe I'll actually remember to update Ghost this time around, ne?

-Belle ^.^