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Lacey's Page, yeah

Pics of me?
Friends pics?
José Olé!
Homecoming 2001 pics?
Last day of school 2001 pics?
Sea World pics?
My Room pics?
It's David the Gnome!

People who are Cool Sauce

For those of you who don't know, my name is Lacey (or Larissa, depending on who's reading this!) and I'm 18 years old from a dinky little nowhere town in Southern California... oh yeah thats me in the pic below! Hahahaha (jk)

04/15/01- Hey, I've just added some pics of friends and things, that's all thats new

4/16/01- I just added Raymond to the cool list!

4/21/01- New pics of my good friend Sara on my "Friends pics?" page, and one of a vicious me on my "recent pics?" page

04/22/01- I added a Sea World page with pics!

05/31/01- I changed around this index page a bit

06/05/01- Well, I added me burping. But some browsers support the burp and others don't, which means that only certain special people get the priviledge of hearing me burp! So I'm sorry if you can't, but happy for you if you can

06/21/01- Well I added a page of all my friends and me on the last day of school (June 21, 2001) so check it out!

06/23/01- I added Nicole to the cool list and took Cortnie off!

08/29/01- Well I added Sticks and Stones as a link, its a really great message board place where you can vent, or pretty much write anything about anything you want and no one knows who you are, and people reply and things. It's rad. I also added The Spark, omg you have to read "The Fat Diaries" and "The Date My Sister Project", they're mad funny.

09/21/01- I added Tim and Cortnie to the cool list

I added new links!

05/14/02- Um it's May, yeah it's been a long time since I've done anything on here! Well all I did was update the cool list... so yeah.

11/04/02- Yeah, even longer since I've been to my page. I deleted some stuff and I added some kids to my list of cool kids, but that's about it, nothing spectacular.

01/22/03- I updated... and shortened, the cool list. Good times.

Visit My Message Board

Everyone who visits here must sign this message board or I'll get really mad at you! I'm watching you... (but not in some scary psycho-stalker kind of way, cause then I'd be everywhere and I'm not Superman! (Who, by the way, is better than Batman)
