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I have a slight, small problem,
And you fix it right away.
Time after time I need you
And you’re there, day after day.
When I’m sad and lonely,
You’re always by my side.
For when I am around you
My feelings don’t have to hide.
Thank you for your caring,
Thank you for your love.
You’re so very good to me
Like an angel from above.
Please don’t ever leave my side,
Oh what would I do?
How to carry my life on,
I wouldn’t have a clue.
If you ever, ever need me,
I'll try to know what to do.
What I’m trying to say is,
Baby, I love you.

My heart aches within from missing you,
My lips long for the feel of kissing you,
Right now all I need is
to gently touch your skin,
To look into your eyes and see deep within,
Just one warm embrace,
Just to look upon your face,
Just one little touch,
From the one I love so much,
If I could gaze upon your smile,
For just a little while,
To know that you miss me too,
As I'm thinking of you,
To hear the sound of you breathe,
Knowing you'll never leave,
To see you walk up to me,
Then embrace you tenderly,
To just be with the one
who's sent my heart reeling,
And brought about this
downpour of emotion and feeling,
I've told you many thoughts that
weren't borrowed or bought,
And in lifetime, who would have thought,
That I have found someone
who was just meant for me,
I can't explain the greatness
or why this should be,
For I've seen an angel and
I want you to know,
If it's my choice to make,
I'll never let you go,
And though I cannot touch you
and we are now apart,
My Love, together we will be soon
and all in time we will never part.

Until there was you
I walked the earth alone
No hand to hold in mine
My heart was all my own
Until there was you
True love was just a dream
Dreams of wonder and tears
Dreams of hope and fears
Until there was you
My life had no direction
A road of uncertainty
But now we have a journey
Together you and me
So I thank my lucky stars
And God from the heavens above
For my heart and soul could never
Feel the impact of true love
Until there was you . . .

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"Crazy Over You"
ßy: 112

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