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Academic Services International

in conjunction with

MetalRabbit Matrix Design






to your







The Antimatrix Faculty


Professor of Science
Alaine D. Stone, BS, MS, PhD, DSc
Dr. Stone is your Primary Instructor; he is an expert in Laser Technology and Holographic Photography.

Dr. Stone also teaches Esoteric Anatomy & Physiology


Accredited (accredited) Greek Philosopher
Macromanubrium Philo, Recognized Scholar
R.Sc. Philo lectures frequently in your program on matters that require enhanced presentation and/or specific reinforcement.

R.Sc. Philo knows how to Make a Point !



Primary School Teacher
Miss Anni Hilation, B.A., - First Grade Instructor
Miss Hilation presents principles and concepts that are very basic, and she tries to explain them in the simplest manner possible.



Physician & Psychiatrist
Robö Mein-Gott, M.D. - Reality Dept. Chairman: Matrix Medical Center
Dr. M-Gott is always in silent attendance during your program. If he makes an open appearance, this suggests that you must make a critical decision or question the effects of your possibly overactive imagination.

Dr. M-Gott has the ability to direct you to an even deeper level of the Matrix . . .


Rinpoche Buddhist monkBuddhist Monk
Rinpoche Shu Gan Wan

An advanced practitioner of Chan (Japan. 'Zen'), Rinpoche reminds us of simple nihilistic truths that are only evident from the viewpoint of the exhalted consciousness as described in the cosmologies of Taoism, Zen, Thelema, Advaita, and [only] infrequently elsewhere.



Visiting Professor
Dr. Albert Einstein
Albert visits you once during your program, delivering a short, yet relative, lecture on the nature of Reality.

Dr. Einstein's lectures are necessarily brief because he has been dead for quite a while.


. Plus . . .

Guest Lecturers
The Dept. of Science GUEST LECTURE POOL
Informed and Informational Speakers and Case Studies

including . . .

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Lamas . . - . .Druggists . ..- . .Fairies . ..- . .Reapers . . - . .Test Subjects

et al



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. . . . . .MetalRabbit Matrix Design