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Why let badgers watch anime? (or read Manga)


Hello and welcome to "Hiya Buddie..." The offical site for "Let the Badgers watch Anime (and read Manga) campaign..

What exactly is the point in this site? Well it's completly random and doesn't really have much meaning at all. A joke..

Moving on this site is to promote the fact that badgers, no matter what age, sex or race should be aloud to watch Anime (and read Manga). It's a very sad fact that Badgers are discriminated against by people not letting them watch Anime (or read Manga)

The chairman/mascot of this site is the cool but wierd badger off Woody Woodpecker who always says "Hiya, Buddie..." (If anyone has any facts on this creature, his name or a picture please send it to me!)

Oh and the Chairman elections are coming up soon so don't forget to sign the guestbook with your nominations. I myself Katze Moonstone are the creator of this charity (please tell me this page is a joke) and my brother Chris is also a secondary person thingy.

Thank you for viewing this site and please spread through word and mouth that "Badgers should be aloud to watch Anime (And read Manga).

If you are interested in joing as a fellow supporter please e-mail me at

And now for something completly different. (like the Spainish Inqisision)

a song.....

We love badgers, yes we do! We love badgers all year through! They're black and white and have strong teeth, they're cuddly and soft and some are called Keith... Let them watch Anime (and read Manga) that's what we say! Let them do this or else you'll pay!We love badgers, yes we do! We love badgers all year through!

P.S Right I do not own the badger from Woody Woodpecker it belongs to someone else and Universal and other people. I do own the song however and the useless idea and point (hang on there's a point to this site?) of this site so don't nick it. (who'd want to anyway). Another thing I know I've put (And read Manga) in brackets everytime that's the general idea. I also don't own the line "And now for something - Spainish Inqision" They're from Monty Python's Flying circus.. Oh and If there are any other fellow badger fans out there please e-mail me! Oh yes and this page is best viewed with eyes....
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