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Welcome to my website

it's still under construction.

Still learing how to use Dreamweaver, so this page will change often as i try out new stuff.

Derrick! pics from dinner at SF here

DVD list

DC Pics Test Page

Pic of my room-test

Webcam test - Works best with Internet Explorer and Netscape 4.7x . Does not work well with Mozilla/Netscape 6. OFFLINE PENDING FURTHER TESTING

Louis and Sandy's Baby Pics page here

Graduation Pics page

In the meantime, here are some airplane pics


Countdown To August 3rd, 2002


This is my new Acura RSX, Purchased 10-23-01 More Pictures! Click here

Proud member of DSL Reports Team Helix. Join the cause!  
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Also a proud member of DSL Reports SETI@Home team. DSLR Team Starfire/Team Helix race pairings here!


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Questions? Comments? Email me!

Web Site Copyright © 2001 Benjamin Lee. No parts of this web page may be used without the expressed written consent of Blee Publications. No animals were harmed in the making of this web page, and only 100% post consumer waste was used in the making of this web page. Trademarks used on the site are the property of their respective owners and are used in accordance with the fair use and/or non-commercial use provisions of 15 U.S.C. §1125.c.  Please send questions, comments, and monetary donation information requests  to