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*fiLLiNg_ iN_ tHe_ bLAncS *

*NoThiNG MoRE tHaN FUn*

*tHe QuEStiONs*
" ....CoNneCtiONs....

*tHe wOrLD
*jERemY wEbb :)
cONNie "n" cReW :)

*NoThiNG MoRE tHaN FUn*


Spent the weekend with I spend almost every's alright though because we have our fun...we went and watch starsky and hutch...owen wilso is sooo cute..he cracks me up...I really liked the movie for some reason..i thought it was actually one of the best movies I've seen ben stiller in since There's Something About MAry...I dunno..I think i might feel a fetish coming on...and then there's ben stiller ...he just remeinds me of bryan...sigh


I had to go to work..i got to work with sarah..i think she is sooo rad.. I want to form a really huge friendship with her. We're talking about moving in together. I think living with her and matt would be sooo fun...I also got to hang out with craig..he's the most beautiful guy i've ever met. i met him almost 3 and a half years ago...I can't believe he stillthinks i'm hot.... i think that's funny...we had fun though...skating and hitting styrafoam with golf clubs...i'm suppose to hang out with him soon again...can't wait!


staying up late when I should go to bed because i have to work at 8 in the morning...brian irish imed me...he's such a dork...I'm now talking to tyler tom's friend...he seems nice...i miss tommy though.Went to scuplting class and was sooo happy that my casting went soo well... I can't wait until I can take the glass blowing will be "spectacular spectacular!!" i also got the result from the photo show.. i won first place in the category i wanted bad all of them didn't win something...they were only giving out first places so the competetition was fierce...GRRR!!!BRING IT ON!!!


Have to work alll day and then i have to go back home to seattle...and ask anne if she has figured out if i would be eligible for hire at U village...hopefully..


i have to work in the darkroom..thens..i want to watch a movie and spend time with joshua..


i have to work in the darkroom might be never know...I want to see more movies!! ARG!!! i get paid and it's all going to disappear...:( bills