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Over The Past Few Years Ive Been Dating This Really Wonderful Guy Named James Yes We Have Had Our Downfalls Most Of You All Know This We Have Broke Up And Many Of Ya'll Told Us Its Not Going To Work Give It Up But In The End We Are Always Back Together Somehow Someway ... Baby I Give You My Heart My Soul And All The Love You Will Ever Need !!! I Love You James !!!!

There Have Been A Lot Of Really Special People In My Life Whom Have Inspired Me To Write Some Good Poems Here Are A Few Of Them I Hope You Enjoy Them !!!

The Love That Never Ends!

As The Sun Shines On The Earth,
As The Oceans Waves Crash On The Beach,
Its You My Heart Builds A Wall Around ,
As Every Snow Flake Falls In The Winter, & Melts In The Spring,
It's Your Name My Lips Speak ,
As The Flower Petals Bloom, & Fall Ever So Softly To The Ground ,
It's Your Love I Want To Have ,
As The Moon Lights The Dark For All The World To See,
As The Stars Fill The Sky With Dreams,
It's You I Yern To Hold,
As A Butterfly Flaps It's Wings So Gracefully In Flight ,
It's Your Heart I Hold So Dear,
As The World Spins Round ,
As Time Goes By,
It's You I Want To Spend The Minutes With .

Trapped Within Myself !

Buring Within My Soul A Power Unknown ,
One Unforseen By Even The Keenest Eye ,
Screams Echo Within , Filled With ,
Fight To Get Out Fight, Yet Fight To Stay In ,
The Wind Blows Fierce ,
As Day Turns To Night ,
Breaking Down One Wall To Find Yet Another ,
Never Ending Pain Tearing Through My Skin ,
Wanting What You Cannot Have , Pushing That You Do Have Away ,
I'm Trapped Within Myself

Rage Of Love And

Trapped Inside A World Where No Words Are Spoken ,
Feelings And Emotions Hidden In The Shadows,
Love Barely There , You Can Almost Feel It's Gentle Mist , Yet You Cannot Tell If It's Really Love At All
Everyway You Turn Is Darkness , The Sun Is Nonexsitant & The Moon Has Faded Into The Dark Of Night
The Stars Have Lost The Will To Sparkle And Fill The Sky
Yet You Fight To Hold On To What You Know
Everything You Fear Is Slowly Creaping In The Unseen Madness ,
You Love To , Yet To Love.

Mommy Are You There ?

Mommy I'm Here For You To Hold ,
Mommy I'm Feeling A Little Cold,
Mommy I'm Hungry Can You Get Me Something To Eat
Mommy Could You Get Me The Bear , You Know The One With The Big Feet,
Mommy I Love Your Soft Hands,
Mommy Will You Hug Me Please,
Mommy Are You There ?
Mommy Can You Hear My Cries ?


A Love Bound By Two hearts,One Soul Never Parts.
Through Distance And Time , Its You My Love Always Finds.
Brought Together Time And Again , I Will Find A Love Like This Never Again.
The Look In Your Eyes The Touch Of Your Hand Is That Of A True Man.
Hearts Been Broken By Little Words That Go Unspoken.
The Words Of True Love.


Ashes To Ashes Dust To Dust ,
Thus The Words We Dred To Hear,
When Concerning Friends So Dear ,
As You Approach The Pearly Gates,
Inside God Happily Awaits,
Hes Called Apon You To Enter His Home
But Before You Go Let Me Asure You Your Not Alone !

A Tear !

IF I Could Die Today ,
And Come Back Tomorrow,
I'd Come Back As A Tear ,
So That I May Be Concieved In Your Heart,
Live On Your Cheek ,
And Die At Your Lips .

Your My Everything !

Your Dreams I Intake,
Your Soul I Inhale,
Your Heart I Devour,
There Isn't A Moment I Don't Think Of You Every Hour,
As The World Spins Round ,
Til' I'm Six Feet Under Ground , It's You I'll Reach Out For,
It's Your Love I will Yern ,
Hold Me Close , Love Me Tight , Dont Let Your Heart Slip From My Sight ,
With Every Word You Speak , With Every Heart Beat ,
You Mean More To Me With Every Breath I Breathe .

The Pic Page


The Martial Arts Page!


Oris Webpage(He's A Hottie 's Wear Your Bib's Before Entering)
Highlander Webpage( Oris Plays Winston )
TexasFlirts Webpage (My Family)
Daddy's Webpage(Daddy's First Page I'm So Proud Of Him )
Slippery Lip Webpage(Aunty Stacy's And Uncle Jeff's Band)
EminemElton Webpage ( This Is To Funny )
My Angel's Webpage ( My Puppy's Go Looky )
My Sister's Webpage ( My Baby Sister's Page )
California's Webpage ( My Friends Off Mirc #California Oh Yeah Cali RoCkS)
Sesame Street Webpage (ELMOS PAGE MY FAV IS ELMO )
Snow Tigress Webpage ( I Love Kitty's Big Tiger's )
Jackie's Webpage To Daniel (Her Hunny Bun)
{Daniel's Page To Jackie} ( My Sissy )

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