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Sinful Barbie


"Tommorrow holds all our dreams and wishes
That we carry inside and hope for ourselves today!"...BRANDIE

"She is called the Emerald Isle of green
And yet she is to me the keeper of my heart
Within her many souls one special one is seen
I dream and wish his hand in mine and we could never part!"

To my lovely Ryan!...BRANDIE!


Within my heart you do not know.
I am afraid to tell you, you might just go.
My secret love for you fills my heart,
But yet if I told you am afraid you would part

My love for you comsumes every thought,
Oh this love of you is something no one thought!
To me you are my soul and my dearest love,
This I know that God sent you to be mine from above!

I love you so much this I cannot hide,
For in my heart you will always reside!
If you only knew just how true I would be,
I simply know my love for you you'd see!

Yet for now this love I hide,
Away so very deep inside!
Because I do not want you to go,
Leaving me alone with no inner glow!

Oh Ryan cannot you see...oh please forgive,
Allow my heart and my spirit to live!
Be safe my dearest one for me,
I fear what may happen to thee!

...I love you Ryan, BRANDIE


Please do not hate me. That would be the worst of all this...its just that this has to stop. Eric has to leave me alone. He has to. I don't want anyone else to get hurt ok. I will always love you in my heart. Please remember me sometime. If I get through tonight I will be back will be at last over. If not then I must say my goodbyes now. I love you and I want you to be always happy. You are the most important person in my life! I love you so much. Take care.....Brandie P.S. Pray for me Ryan!