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Sinful Barbie


Lovers do they really care,
or is it that because you are there!
Amazing now when you stop to think,
Just how fleeting is this link!

Lovers they come into your life,
Do they actually take away your strife!
Do they replace it with moments of sexual glee.
Only later to discover that is all they wished from thee!

They come and go like ripples in a pond,
Never wanting to discover what could trully make you fond!
All they wish they take from you as you give so free,
Never replacing more then what they themselves can see!

They think themselves your lover and your dream come true,
Yet they are not real just visions that slowly pass through!
So why does one waste your time on them,
Simple really...they replace your anguish from within!

You must keep these lovers from trully touching your soul,
They might just remain and will never be allowed to go!
Lovers who take and take from you,
Without trully realizing just what you want too!

I only wish to keep them a part of me,
They can fullfill perhaps a fantasy!
Do not... oh never must you fall in love and believe,
... that somehow these lovers might really be in love with thee!


He walks into my life and takes me along

Making me feel so very strong.

He wanders through my soul and finds,

Those very things which are mine!

Who can tell who really wants to know

Does this man really want and need you so.

Are his thoughts and desires pure,

Or are they perhaps much more so sure.

He knocks and I let him in,

Is this to be more than sexual sin.

His wit and ways they make me glad,

They make me smile and yet they make me sad!

For who can tell, does he really understand,

That what I need is oh so very grand!

I can but pray that he will see

How very very much his words mean to me!



Sweeping you along in its path,
I ask myself will this last.
Is it more than a desire this,
Perhaps much more than sexual bliss!

Passion is thy name lust,
Is it more than all I feel thus!
Does it carry me away,
Does it renew...give yet another day!

This feeling that rages within my soul,
Oh why oh why does it haunt me so!
All I seek can it supply and give,
Is this all that makes me want to live!

Passion be thy subdued or burning with flame,
Are you what we all can choose..oh never to tame!
Raging fires which boil our blood,
Fullfilling dreams so filled with love!

I simply wish to know,
Why is it that I need you so!
Hurt me at times and make me feel,
That this life itself is so unreal!

Experiences of passions that carry me,
Beyond all those many boundaries!
I want it all ...oh can't you see,
I love its feel, I relish its zeal, I want it for real!

....take care my friends or you may find that..........
Passions alone cannot fullfill your life
they are but an indegredient within your very soul....Brandie


Some of you may know that I have an aunt who lives in Chicago and well when I vist I will see a special person there. Someone who I trust and who appreciates me for who I am . This man is so warm and caring so beautiful that as our lives have touched something very unique is occuring....age is so meaningless. walking hand in hand along Lake Michigan on a cool fall evening and sharing what is in our hearts together. Is this a dream or is it for real?

As you can see the picture speaks for itself......a man whose heart is so big that it is willing to wrap me into it. What sinful pleasures in Chicago await that fall evening what desires will be carried to us both on the breeze!

"I may not be your first, but to be your last would be perfect!"

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