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Sinful Barbie


Sometimes these sweep over me and take me along,
Encompass all my body and mind as if enveloped in a song!
Like a rushing river whose waters burst upon the rocks,
Cascading downwards nothing holding them back no locks!

Feel its mighty power as it carrys you forth,
Oh can you feel as I do the passions within its force!
They sweep inside of me at times,
No control at all ...there is none to find!

Replaced instead with ravishing thoughts,
These remain at last my only course to be brought!
Until at last they slowly subside,
These wild untamed desires I can again hide!

It is as if these took away from me all reason,
These fantastic feelings that come in all seasons!
Lying on my bed at last I know that I must be,
A willing creature filled with ecstacy!


The images of our soul!

What are these reflections in the pool,
Are these nothing more then what we think we knew!
They may be all that we see of ourselves so true,
Yet they be more and offer to us a clue!

These reflections rippling in the pond,
Do they indeed carry us beyond!
Perhaps they are just an inner glance,
Those things which oft times give us a chance!

Oh yes indeed they seem to be,
Just a simple reflection of what we trully wish to see!
Some critical and some in praise,
These are the reflections which fill our days!

One can be critical and wish to change,
Yet when looked upon is that so humanly strange!
I think not..that is what I believe,
These are the reflections which we receive!

Make an effort not to be so critical of yourself

..... and find that which is unique within your own soul!

......take care, BRANDIE


Dearest one cannot you see,
Just what it is that makes me me!
I am but a pawn in your game,
A simple girl who loves you plain!

I do not know just what you wish me to be,
I do not know how I can fullfill thee!
Am I but a dream that you wish to hold,
A girl who is wild and bold!

Can I be more and take your heart,
Can I be with you and never part!
Or am I destined just to be alone,
Never to have what I wish to own!

Oh I want so much don't you know,
I want to have you near and with me so!
I wish I had in in my power,
To hold your love every hour!

Yet I know that you think of me as a silly girl,
For wishing more than what will be unfurled!
I know that I am in love with you today,
Always is such a long time for you to stay!

But I hold onto the dream, I want to so much,
I can feel it all, hold it and wish it such!
But you do not care to linger here,
No you are but a passing one I hold dear!

I feel that within my heart it is your course,
You can walk away and feel no remorse!
Leaving me alone and empty inside this void,
I wanted so much to fill and enjoy!

Now you are gone and I am left,
With nothing but pure hard emptiness!
You were a friend or so I thought,
A lover, a guide, a trust that you had bought!

So now as you walk away,
I know that there will never be another day!
Because you saw in me no hidden hope,
Now I am left and will have to cope!

Take care my friends as you enter here,
I want so very much and it is not so mere!
It is more I want you to stay,
To come back and visit me another day!

To my friends and to those I do not know who stop.....

visit my homepage I want you to know that I offer my love and my heart ...Brandie

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