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Sinful Barbie

"Thy love is like a sweet, gentle breeze caressing the very essence of my soul."


Wild and passionate love we made that night,
A frenzy of passions so filled with delight!
Now I sleep and dream of all we did and said,
My dreams they carry me from our bed!

I feel your body pressing down on mine
Filled with passions crazy and devine!
Your hands exploring my body and mind,
Your eyes filled with desires oh so refined!

I wrapped my body close to yours and feel,
Oh your ultimate sexual self revealed!
My hands reaching back and pulling you to me,
Is this lust or is it more you see!

We make love and at last we part,
Do I now have all of your heart!
I have given all of me for you are the star,
The one I want and the one I sought from far!

Now my dreams they have carried me beyond,
I know your every thought and I feel so fond!
As you look and gaze at me in rest and sleep,
Will you always be my protector here to keep!


Tell them "Hey Brandie sent me!"



Dedicated to Tom from Naperville
"I have fallen in love with you, it's as simple and as complicated as that."

I was sitting here thinking Of the words I want to say, But they just wouldn't come out right- So I found a different way

I got a piece of paper And I wrote this poem for you, But there's no way to thank you For everything you do.

For always being nice to me And staying by my side, For helping fix my problems And never leaving me behind.

For accepting my thoughts and feelings, Though you do not understand, For never giving up on me And being my best friend.

For making me laugh- And letting me cry And saying you'd miss me If I were to die.

Everything you mean to me You could never know. In all the ways you've changed my life I could never show.

The way you take care of me, (You're my shining star) And though it's so incredible That's just the way you are

Before I get too mushy It's time for me to go, But before I leave this ink-filled page There's one thing you should know.

As long as we are living, No matter when or where, If you ever need me- Just call and I'll be there.

I'll climb a thousand mountains And swim a thousand seas... Anything to be there 'Cause you've been there for me.

My Dearest....."If you love me only in my dreams, let me be asleep forever."

I love you too kiddo....I was thinking about you just now and saw your message when I logged on. It makes me feel good to know I am in your thoughts too. kisses ALLLLLLLLLLLL over........TOM


Dedicated to my friend Mark Fuller

His body hot with desires his lips ready for that kiss,
Wraping me in his words and carrying me into bliss!
Who knows how much he has touched my soul in ways yet to be revealed,
Yet this must be an affair that has to be concealed!

So strong his passions....his manhood hard, firm and yearning,
He makes me feel so warm fires that are burning!
Yet I must hide deep inside my body's secret pleasures,
All those inner desires and hidden passions that we all treasure!

Caring is that the word I want to choose....for now I do not know,
Perhaps with time I shall discover all that there is to show!
A bold and secretive guy who takes me one step at a time,
Into his world of sexual pleasures as a bull in his prime!

My darling Mark what is it about you that makes me feel this way,
As if inside of me there lies a secret place yet to explore this day!
Ah......Time will tell of that I am sure you see,
This guy who offers me his body and gives it all to me!

I allow his words to carress my breasts and make my heart sing,
Oh take my body.....your strong and huge manhood bring!
He who walked into my life and touched my soul forever,
Seeking time in this universe of ours to link two souls together!

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