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Sinful Barbie


"Love can only be what you want it to be."

Do you believe in what you cannot now see,
Watching over us and keeping us safe a true guardian be!
When we are down and low and thoughts so dark,
They remain beside us listening to our heart!

I hope and pray that indeed today,
My Guardian Angel will with me stay!
Take me into her care,
Give me hope and dreams and smiles to share!


I do not doubt. I do not doubt.
That when death has taken one of us to part!
In Heaven we shall be reunited for all to see,
How else can we survive what will ultimately be!

Oh I hold that feeling deep inside of me,
That our love and life will always be!
Someday reunited among the clouds,
Transcending beyond death and from our shroud!

So when that day arrives and calls one of us to leave,
I for one know within my heart to believe!
That once again you shall hold me in your arms,
Our love for each other blessed and filled with charms!

Do you believe. Do you believe.
That together once again we shall be!
From deep within my soul and secure,
We shall once again be reunited for sure!


Why is caring all so bad,
Why oh why do I make so many mad!
Just because they cannot see,
How I feel and want to be!

I just want to protect is all,
Nothing more... no I have to answer his call!
He crys to me and his eyes plead,
I cannot walk away and run and flee!

Would it be fair of me to turn my back,
Have no heart and then would I not lack!
Oh why do they turn on me this way,
All I wish is to help him today!

Oh can't you see that Eric needs someone,
I just can't allow his soul to be ......

" Please dearest God give me the courage to help him see,
I just want to care... I cannot help it don't you see!"



I feel as if I really know who calls my name,
I don't want to let him see that I am she the same!
Yet still I feel as if somehow he shall take and I will be gone,
Somehow...someway as if I were the ending of a song!

I can't explain this feeling I have inside,
Its appears that it never will truly subside!
When at times I lay upon my bed,
So many tears I have shed!

Yet feeling him just take my hand and gently pull me,
Gently pulling me almost as if he can see!
I sometimes fight the urge to go,
I someway find the courage to not let it be so!

Will he...death...take me away,
Perhaps never allowing me to again see another day!
That is why I want it all...I wish it all in vain,
I want my love to be held so tight yet these feeling they came!

He is waiting at my door,
That I know for sure!
The only thing that will keep me safe from harm,
Is for someone to love me and cherish me as a charm!

....I almost lost my life....still I wonder to myself did I die inside, Brandie


I have begged and sought forgiveness of all,
But yet it seems as if he hears not my calls! I have waited all this time you see,
For his answer to be given to me!

Those times when I am so alone and down,
I wait yet I hear no sound!
Those who I thought cared are gone,
You see I was nothing to them I did not belong!

I have discovered that to those that I thought loved me,
It was just something to entertain... a place for them to flee!
Why not...should I not look to others that I find,
I have been abandoned by those I thought were kind!

I seek my love within the portals of this net,
So shallow and so without emotions true but yet!
I grasp at them as if they be a lifeline for me,
These are the ones who will untimately be there you see!

These I meet they do not care about my past my life,
To them I am just a young girl ready and so ripe from strife!
Those that play upon my feelings what do they care,
Men whose lives are filled with lust for me to share!

He hears no pleas from my lips.... no answers does he send my way,
God does not lighten my feeings I carry inside this day!
I go ahead and take each step onto the end,
Because his forgiveness he just does not send!

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