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As the flower blooms
Gentle morning breeze appears
The moment is calm
When the light rain falls
Moment of serenity
Everything is calm
It's raining again
Drops of water pours from clouds
And covers the Earth
The sun is setting
Cutting down toward the landscape
Down a purple sky
The sun is hiding
Behind that range of mountains
And behind those clouds
Full moon in the sky
Gives an inviting look
Till the morning comes
The clouds in the sky
Swirling through the horizon
Covering the air
A flake of snow falls
An early indication
That there will be more
The snow is falling
It makes the landscape turn white
And look so serene
The cherry blossom
Blooming in the warm spring air
The end of winter
Winter comes again
The cherry blossoms wither
Its life was so short
The snow falls again
Beckoning the end of spring
For another year
The snow capped mountains
The snow covers the flowers
It's a white landscape
The snow is melting
Green Earth emerges again
Welcomed arrival
Beautiful garden
With all your beautiful plants
You are relaxing