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Dragon Spirit
He was so strong
I always looked up to him
My hero
My god

He was so brave
I could rely on him
My protector
My oniisan

I always loved him
He may not have always said it
But he loved me just as much

We played together during our youth
Endless days and nights
Endless summers and winters

We grew older
And had less time to play
And time came to part

I loved him still
But we lived separate lives
I remembered our childhood
But knew that was past

Tragedy struck
And we came back together
We had not drifted apart
But could barely be together

A tragic reunion it was
Set forward by unfortunate events
I had never seen him cry before
Until I saw him weeping with his daughter

I saw a difference side that day
A side I knew was there
A side I had experienced before
But never in this way

This changed the way I saw him
But not by that much
He was still a protector
But no longer to I

Now his daughter needs him
She needs a protector, a hero, a god
To provide for and to protect and to love her
And I know she is in good hands

To my heroes, Tatsuki and Rei