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The Book
They told them to believe
To cast aside all doubts
Questioning will lead you astray
All knowledge can be found in a book

The told them they'd be saved
That all works out in the end
Believing is all you need
Like it says in that book

They wanted to make others believe
And thought it was for their good
So they'd not leave us alone
And quote passages from their book

They told them to convert us
And win us to their side
To do whatever it takes to get us
To believe in their book

They said we lived in sin
That what we did was wrong
We can't do that and must do this
As it says in their book

They said that we would suffer
If we didn't believe as them
That punishment awaited
As dictated by their book

Not everybody believed
Not everybody stayed
People always questioned
The accuracy of that book

They uncovered contradictions
And things that made no sense
And horrifying passages
That filled up their book

They told them to believe
But their reason lead them astray
It's time to start looking for yourself
And not from a book