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The Civic Action Free University
International and U.S.A.
Students' Civic Action Network
E-Mail Groups




Invitation and Challenge


Invitation:  After joining the Students' Civic Action Network Group for your area, as provided below, try:  (1) going to its Links Section,  (2) adding a folder for your college or university (its easy -- just follow the prompts), and (3) entering your school's links of greatest relevance for civic action, community service, and/or development.

Challenge:  Which schools have the most links, and the best ??

If you think this Invitation and Challenge might be of interest to friends and classmates -- either in your own school or elsewhere -- please:  Click here to find numerous resources that can assist you in passing them along !!




International Students' Civic Action
Free University Network


Note for Students Worldwide

You are invited to help the Free University identify active well-managed e-mail groups relevant for civic action, community service, and development that are already operating at colleges and universities in your country.  Click here to find Yahoo!'s international directory of college and university e-mail groups.

When reviewing the currently active groups, see if you can determine which ones serve subscribers that would most likely appreciate learning about -- and possibly participating in -- The Civic Action Free University.  If you identify a group compatible with your own interests, consider joining and letting its members know about this site.  Or, alternatively, inform the Free University's Facilitator -- -- about the group(s) to which you think an introductory note should be sent.

If no suitable group now exists at your school, one can easily be created.  Persons who desire to do this have the option of following Yahoo!'s simple instructions to set up a group themselves, or they may request that one be established as an addition to the Free University Students' Civic Action Network Groups that are provided on this page.  We'll be pleased to respond to all such requests, which should be directed to the Facilitator.




Alaska Arizona Arkansas

Colorado Connecticut Delaware

District of Columbia
Florida Georgia Hawaii

Illinois Indiana Iowa

Kentucky Louisiana Maine

Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota

Missouri Montana Nebraska

New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico

New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio

Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico

Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee

Utah Vermont Virginia

West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming


New !!

Civic Action Free University Logo Posters

Two different color combinations (click on the first poster
to see the second -- use your back arrow to return)

Print and post them at appropriate locations in your college,
dormitories, cafeteria, etc.  These graphics may also be useful
as hand-outs at conferences, seminars, or training events.



U.S. Metropolitan Area Emergency
Preparedness E-Mail Groups

(On The Same Page)

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America's Best Source for
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* (Note:  Contents may take  
   a few moments to load.)  



Return to:  Special Note for College and University Students

Return to:  The Free University's Students in Civic Action
and Community Service E-Mail Group

Return to:  The Civic Action Free University

Return to:  The World Educational Civic Action Network

Return to:  The Free University's Logo Posters Page

Return to:  The "Universal Civic Action Network" (U-CAN)
E-Mail Group

E-Mail the Facilitator

Always Prepared -- Join the Old Scouts !!

E-Mail Group                 Association                 Library
