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This is Zac's Web Page

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Hey. I'm Zac. You come here often?
Paramount's Great America is Open
Six Flags Marine World is open and Medusa is still king!
V2 wasn't even built yet. Come back for pictures later.

Gotta Love 'em Both

My DVD's
This is a list of all of my DVD's for my friends to browse through.


This is my Movie page.

My Jack-O-Lantern from Halloween

Info on Godsmack

Some good links to coaster sites

Hey, some info about myself: I'm a big fan of Martin Scorsecci, Medusa, and Dodge Vipers.. I plan on updating this site to one that is nearly entirely dedicated to the rollercoasters of California. I have more pictures and information than anyone could ever need or want about rollercoasters. I also have a movie review/preview site up and running.
Thanks for stoping by, come back to see what I do with this page. It should be pretty cool.

has released thier new album

It be here!! And it be Rockin!!

This is it. YEAH!!

For Lists of the Best Movies, New Movie Recomendations and a summary of Movies currently in Theaters:
Check Out My Movie Page

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