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Match Info

RP # - 11

People Used - Bret Hart, Mike Tenay, Don West

People Mentioned - Chris Masters, Jeff Jarrett

W/L/D - 7/3/0

Achievements: TNA World Champion (current)

Next Match:

TNA Championship:




Genesis | 11/09/08

OOC - Feel free to send me feedback, either via e-mail or on the OOC board.

Wrestler - Bret "Hitman" Hart

Height - 6'1"

Weight - 235 lbs

Finisher - The Sharpshooter

Bret Hart

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{SCENE - The TNA arena in Orlando. Announcers MIKE TENAY and DON WEST sit at the TNA announcer's table}

MIKE TENAY: Good afternoon, TNA fans! Welcome to the iMPACT! Zone, I'm Mike Tenay alongside Don West, and we are just seventy-two hours away from Genesis, and what a buildup this show has had over the past few weeks.

DON WEST: No doubt about it, Mike. I can't believe what Vince Russo pulled out of his hat the past two weeks. First of all, bringing Jeff Jarrett back to TNA, and then having Jarrett steal the TNA title belt from Bret Hart!

MIKE TENAY: Too true, Don. But Bret gets his revenge at Genesis as he squares off against both Jarrett and the #1 contender, Chris Masters!

{Mike is then interrupted by Black Sabbath's "Heaven and Hell." The fans at the arnea explode as TNA Champion BRET HART steps out onto the ramp, with the TNA title strapped around his waist.}

{As he walks down the ramp, Bret slaps hands with the fans. Bret climbs into the ring, and calls for a microphone. Bret waits for the fans to calm down, then raises the mic to his mouth.}

BRET "HITMAN" HART: I've put up with a lot of bullshit in my career. But I think what Jarrett and Russo pulled last week takes the cake. Even Vince McMahon wouldn't have had the balls to pull that shit; he knows I'd kick the crap out of in a heartbeat. But Russo, if you and Jarrett want to risk your necks, don't blame me when they get broken. But I have more important things on my mind than Jarrett and Russo. And that's Jarrett and Chris Masters, the challengers for my title this coming Sunday at Genesis.

{The fans explode into excited cheers.}

BRET "HITMAN" HART: Now, I know that Chris and I are friends, but Chris, don't think that means I'm going to take it easy on you. Any feelings we have back in the locker room means squat out here in the ring. Once that bell rings, I hold no empathy towards you. You and Jarrett are in this match for the same reason: to try and win the TNA title.

{Bret raises the title over his head.}

BRET "HITMAN" HART: But I'm in this match, too. And I have one thing on my mind: defending the title successfully. I've done it for a little less than two months, so another few days should be a piece of cake. I'm the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. I hate to keep drilling it into your heads all the time, but it's something I need you to understand. You can't beat the best. And I'll prove it at Genesis.

{Bret brushes his hair out of his face.}

BRET "HITMAN" HART: Now to the man of the hour. The "chosen one" himself, Jeff Jarrett.

{The fans erupt into a chorus of boos.}

BRET "HITMAN" HART: Yeah, I'd say he chosen, all right. Chosen for a world-class ass kicking courtesy of the Hitman.

{The fans explode into cheers.}

BRET "HITMAN" HART: Jarrett, you're going to need something more than a whack to the head with a guitar to scare me. That just makes me angry and, to quote Bruce Banner, you won't like me when I'm angry. You'd better be prepared this Sunday, because I'm going to hit you with everything except the kitchen sink. Although, now that I hear it out loud, hitting you with a sink sounds like a good idea. Jarrett, you and Masters are in for one hell of a fight at Genesis. Just be prepared, and get ready to fall to the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!

{Bret drops the mic, and raises his title over his head, as "Heaven and Hell" hits the speakers.}


1937 — 2008

The Hitman's Hitlist

1. Randy Orton/Scott Steiner

2. Big Show/Rikishi

3. Christian Cage/Tomko

4. Christian Cage

5. Triple H/Christian Cage

6. Tomko

7. Jeff Jarrett/Chris Masters

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