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Women Of God

Women of God

Stand up!

Stand up and speak!

Speak out!

Tell the world of My love.

Tell them of My salvation.

Daughters of the Lord

Give words of encouragement.

Give them to your children.

Give them to your parents.

Give them to your spouses.

Give them to your friends.

Give them to strangers.

Give from deep down in your heart

Study, My daughters,

Study and learn.

Immerse yourselves in My Word.

Imprint My word on your heart.

Then speak, speak My Word.

Speak it to those you love

And speak it to your enemy.

Tell them of My forgiveness.

Tell them of my promises.

Tell them of life eternal.

Tell them! Tell them!

Then receive from My hand

Rewards for your righteousness,

And rewards for your obedience.

You are My precious daughters.

You are My arms reaching out.

You are loved beyond measure.

You are the vessels through which

My Word is to be birthed.

So stand up women of God

And speak out!

By: Ann Martin

March 29,2005

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