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Friends Forever

Life Should Be So Easy!

I have been very fortunate in still having friends that I have had since grade school and high school, and along my travels, I have met new folks.

Later, as you get to know folks, you decide to either keep them or discard them as you find out what kind of 'friend' they really truly are. Most recently I have had the truly unbearable job of deciding who is 'real' and who is 'not'. Some turn out to be what they claim, while others are fake, and you carry on without them by your side.

The people I have chosen for this page have been special friends to me. A few are kind of new, some I have known for many years. One even over 20 years! All have so much history behind them, and all of you on this page hold a place in my heart. Thanks for being a FRIEND in every sense of the word.

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Linda and Shelley

Linda and Shelley are mother and daughter and I have known them for over 20 years. Shelley and I have been friends since we met in high school and both of us were in FFA together and raised our farm/fair animals together. Although the two of us have moved around a lot we have never lost contact with one another and still enjoy getting together and doing things. We have gone through a lot of relationships together and have always been each others shoulders to cry on, even long distance. I love ya girl, and I am so glad we are still friends!


I met Nic online back in 1995. We both chatted in the same room and found out we only lived 45 minutes from one another. We met in 'the real life' soon afterwards, and have been friends ever since! Nic is in college at Texas Tech from which she sends me cool t shirts and drink holders! LOL We have both been through a lot together in the last few years, and our rule stands; "No 2's, No J's!" BLECH!


I would like to introduce you to Vic. The picture here is when we were in Vegas screwing around in a store. As you can see, Vic is a clown and he keeps us all laughing at home 100% of the time. He fixes all my broken 'thingies' in the house where is a sometimes room-mate; and has been a best friend for years. I Love Ya Bictor!


Tina and I have been friends for many years. I met her in college and we became fast friends. She knows everything about me, and I go to her with knowing I will get an honest answer. Thanks "T" for the everything, you are the best friend anyone could ask for.


What can I say about Dino? We started out dating and then both of us decided that we made better friends. He is the most upfront kinda guy I know and about the only person I know who REALLY isn't afraid of anything. You are a remarkable man, and I know you will achieve all your goals. By the way Dino, I really thought you were going to kill me on our first date! LMAO


Rick is a great guy who really knows how to laugh. He is married to Carla and they have 2 boys, Chris, and Brandon. Rick is Daricks best man for our wedding and best friend in life.


Carla is Ricks better half. I say that with all due respect because I know Rick would be in a lot of trouble if Carla wasn't around to keep him in line! LOL Carla is the funniest gal I know and she keeps me in stiches at our BBQ's. Martin, my 7 year old always comes home to tell me he saw Carla at school because he likes her so much too. Thanks Carla for just being YOU, we need more laughter in this world and you provide it.

Kari Dawn and Cedric

I met Kari Dawn as a friend from Vic many years ago. It turned out that she was Daricks cousin. From there our friendship turned to being cousins when Darick and I married. We are as close as sisters and I adore her husband Cedric as well. We love our horses and our riding time and I look forward to their weekly visits.

Kenny & Cindy

Kenny and Cindy have been friends for years and live down the street from me. They are friends who will do anything for their friends and they have both been there for myself and my kids. I have alot of fun with them, camping, fishing, and drinking. LOL It seems like everyone in town congregates around their house, even during the winter when we all hang out in front of the firepit. I have had a lot of fun with Cindy when she has taken me out in the sand rail (picture) and everyone else heard me screaming miles away! Damn, can that woman scare the hell outta someone in that buggy!!

Sherrie and Bob

Now this is a story with a happy ending! I met Sherrie and Bob in a chat room back in the early 90's. I introduced the two of them in the chat room one day when I was chatting to both of them, and they ended up getting married! I have been friends with them ever since and we have been through alot of health issues together.! I love ya both and couldn't be happier for the both of ya!


Stacy is one of those people who you meet and you never forget them. I met Stacy at college and we shared a class together. I sometimes went to class just so I could go laugh at/with her at the stupid crap we would say and pull. Every morning someone had to go and get her out of bed [in the dorms], but then she always ended up with us in class. I will never forget her friendship and hope that we can be friends forever. Yo Yo Stac, I am still tryin' to b that ghetto gurl! I love ya!


Donna is my angry friend. JUST KIDDING! LOL No, seriously, we have been friends for about 4 years now and I count my blessings every day that I met her. How many friends are there that a person can count on to help make a duct tape vest? LOL Thanks for being a great friend and for all your help on the wedding stuff. I love ya woman!

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© copyrighted 2000-2008
By: Silver ShadowWolf