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To The Dragons Lair

Well, I see you have made it to where the Dragons roam. You must be either curious or really thinking I am a 'odd' person by now that just facinates your mind.....otherwise you just wouldn't be here.

Getting back to business now, Dragons, are they real or are they folklore?

Dragons are very much real and are found on our astral planes, which coexists with everyone's psychic energies. Once a Dragon is befriended, they will make excellent protectors and powerful fellow magicians. They will protect your home as well as help you gaze into your future to see what beholds you.

Personal guardian Dragons come in various shapes and sizes, and usually (but not always) are quite small, at least much smaller then other dragons. They come in all colors. Often the little guardians are colored in pastel or lighter shades with belly scales of myriad of hues. This smallness and color variety seem to point to the possibility that these Dragons are more or less serving an apprenticeship, that they are younger Dragons. The older adult Dragons range in dimensions from tiger size to absolutely HUGE; their scales are more pronounced and harder, while the little ones have softer scales, sometimes barely discernable.

Dragons age very slowly; therefore the juvenile stage could well last into a hundred or more years, a relatively short period of time for long lived Dragons.

Guardian Dragons would appear to be serving a type of apprenticeship by working with humans. This is their time of "schooling," of learning about humans, and of strengthening their individual powers. As with all schools, the little guardian Dragons are supervised by one or more adult Dragons; you may or may not see these teachers. This supervision is for the safety of the little ones, as well as your protection. Little Guardian Dragons can get quite exuberant at times.

Although the powers of guardian Dragons are not as strong or focused as those of larger Dragons, they can help with protection; friendship; love; divination, such as Tarot, Runes, or Crystal Readings; the development of psychic abilities; dancing; singing; and general rituals.

Having a guardian(s) from the Dragon kingdom has distinct advantages. They become quite protective if you are friends with them. These little Dragons are more or less astral watchdogs of both your property and your person. In this period of history with crime rates soaring, a magician, indeed any person, is foolish not to take advantage of any offered help in protection of self, family, and property. With guardian Dragons, there is no cleanup; one feeds them on love and created energies. They are invisible and quiet, at least to the senses of most people. However, they can and do make disturbing noises, uncomfortable vibrational feelings, and sometimes actual appearances to those they feel might cause their friends distress or harm in any way.

Most of these little guardians Dragons are quite playful. They frolic with and often tease household pets. One of our guardians takes delight in startling one of our cats, Thumbies, but treats our other cat, Sakari, with respect. All of our little guardians love young children, following them about with great interest. In describing Dragons, one can use the pronouns he or she interchangeably, since it is difficult to know the sex of Dragons unless they tell you. Would you like to lift it's tail to see for yourself?

I hope you have learned a little about Dragons today. Mystickal? Yes, no one will argue that fact. Folklore? Well if they are just a faerytale, why have they protected castles and homes for 100's of years? Open your mind, seek what is past society and what it wants you to believe. I bet you will 'see' your Dragon(s), they are waiting to be 'adopted' by you!

How To Find YOUR Dragon:

I get emails daily asking me how I found my Dragons and how you can find yours. I found both of mine through meditating on a very spiritual level and by watching things around me that seemed out of sorts and never had any other explanations. I suggest meditating, either on a Astral level, or any level that is comfortable to you. I also suggest reading more from the book, "Dancing With Dragons" By: D.J. Conway.

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© Copyrighted 2000-2008
By: Silver ShadowWolf
Parts Taken From - © "Dancing With Dragons" By: D.J. Conway