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This Is Husky Country!

H_town!! Where in the world is Hughson?!! Well let's just say that we are the little people :o) Hughson is a tiny town (population of about 3- 5 thousand) located about 10 minutes north of Turlock and 10 minutes east of Ceres. So basically you're still like "Huh? Where's that?" It's right smack in the middle between Sacramento and Fresno (about an hour and a half north of Fresno and an hour and a half south of Sacramento). Many people pass right through our town not even knowing it's a town, but even though we are a small town, we've got things to be proud of. Sure we don't have a mall here, sure we don't have any street lights or do we ever have any kind of traffic jams here. But one thing for sure and that is that not only is it one of the best places to grow up it's got to be the safest place to grow up!! This is a jock town. We may be small and unheard of, but we have the best wrestling, football, girls' volleyball, girls' soccer, and drill team in the TVL (Trans-Valley League). And even though we may be small timers, we're going big places. We have kids from here going to Cal Poly, USC, and even those Ivy League schools (Stanford and Columbia!!). So guess we're not so small after all huh? Well, I have to say that I am more than glad and proud to be raised here. Since this will be my last year here, I'd like to dedicate this page to all my friends of this community that has helped shape and mold me into the person I am today and the person I will be tomorrow. And I'd also like to show to you people out there, that this is an awesome town!!


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