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Check out some of these posters of various marvel comics characters, the WWE, and more!


FYI: There are 2 sites, so that if one is down, you can still go to GFD. This is site one, the other is here. That's or


THE UNOFFICAL Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter Story

THE Fatal Fury vs Samurai Showdown Epic

Riot Of The Blood

Some people have wanted a KOF fic closer to KOF's story, so look at Riot Of The Blood: Ver.2

Street Fighter Legends

Generations! This is my "flesh out" of SF3! The G-files? Capture Ken AND Ryu!

Fallen Angels! Read this "Street Fighter vs King Of Fighters" Fanfic!

The Archieves. This will be misc work by me.

My Work
I've added a new fic: Heroes Of Time. Yup, this is my Chrono Trigger Fic.
In this 4-part fic, I focus on what I think happens in the "post-game story;" starting with the battle (Where Crono, Frog, and Magus use a NEW TECH!), go through the weddings, and end with a special chapter/quest dedicated to Magus! Fans of CT, read, and lemme know...

I've also added Lightning's Blood, a fic with my 2 faves, Benimaru & Leona!

This site is points you to this fanfic, the one that I'm a "co-author!" This is my first time trying to do this, and I believe it may be my "partner-in-crime's" first, at least with me. So don't go flamming either of us because there are two very different styles. Just enjoy the story, and offer each of us feedback! Gee, now I wonder who the fic revoloves around...

Who Am I?

For those of you who have wondered at the master behind all of this cheesy insainty, wonder no more! This page has my bio, asltt. It includes several things I've created in classes, and shows you just who Angelnymph is (just in case you didn't read the scroller at the bottom!)

I finally said "To Hell!" and created a whole new part for netscape users, as MSFP's a *&)(! I also added a few new pics, including one with Angelnymph, Ringo, & Charlie! Ok, so I got lazy on some things--not that I'm going to blame the instructor for not allowing me a chance to redo it!

If you wana reach me:!


Dream Dates?!

Music added more mp3s; working on OST & AST for KOF!

Sadly, the days where we can link files across servers seems to be dwindling. I have the mp3s across geocities, angelfire, tripod, fortunecity, and nbci. With so few days left before I go, I don't think I can fix all the 'bugs...Wish didn't have to go through such a mess, but I can't control the parasites, tho they may think of us as such. =P

Welcome! Glad you found your way into my fanficition, animation, and music site! There's things for Capcom, SNK, MK, and RPG fans! ^_^

It's here where you'll find Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter, Fatal Fury v Samurai Showdown, Riot Of The Blood, Street Fighter Legends, Fallen Angles (Capcom v SNK), Generations--SF3 Fic, one-shot mini fics, & more! Now featuring Destiny! Read below!

Ok, I finished boot camp; hated it! But I'm done with it. I'm now in Sasebo, Japan (hope I spelled that right). If any fellow netters live in the area, drop me an e-mail; it'd be nice to have a tour! =] Please, no one play cupid, ok? It's bad enough that people I've know for years are trying to! LOL!

While I'm thinking about it, is there anyone from Chino or Orange County, CA? I haven't been there in years, and would like to hear what's been happening there. A "Pen-pal" would be cool!

Obviously, with a Navy job, I'll be busy-. I still have plans: Destiny--that's the name I chose, and polls for it are up! This is the fic! As in depth as MKSF/FFSS, with "flashbacks" of fights (Ryu v Iori) and "what-ifs" (Master v Edge Master).

Ringmasters, *please DON'T* remove me from rings; and be careful, as Yahoo tends to be unforgiveable in this! While I won't be able to update much, I can still do a lot of e-mails, for ideas about the fic, or just to pen-pal. Being in the navy, we can spend weeks in the middle of the sea! So, if I don't reply, that's why. I *will* answer messages, to the best of my ability! Thank you for stopping by, and do enjoy what you find, and check for occasional updates!

Counter by Rapid Axcess
Counter by Rapid Axcess

This counter is for my own curiosity/amusement. This adds up about how many hits each part of GFD gets (all fics, the Shrines, the editorial, etc). Feel free to disregard it, or whatever.

Yes, I finally added the d'n yahoo-ring code.

Added a new page full of FAQs! Did you know that in Final Fantasy 3 (6, JP/PSX) you can kill several powerful foes (EVEN BOSSES) in just 2 spells!? Read the FAQ!

The sprite rips, the animations I've done, cover some of my favorite games. In addition to animations for the above games, I also have a few for Streets Of Rage, as well as Final Fight! {;

BTW, check out my 'mini' Chrono Trigger Fic! Heroes Of's a HOT fanfic! Ok, that was lame, even for me! =p

Have to do some mixing, but roms & ems are now up at THE EDGE!
Could someone let me know that what they download is working or not. I'm either having errors, or the Navy's Proxy's )(&^*!


I got it for free at

I've had several want me to do various cross-overs. I've even had a few of you ask me some strange questions, like sending them the roms, which console it's on, and a few even ask me for the arcades! Crumba! ;}

I've also had a lot of encouragement, and criticsim. Some pointed out that I made some big speeling errors, I left out characters (with nearly 100 in MKvSF alone, it's not hard to see why!), and that they didn't like certain characters winning some matches (despite me saying that I let readers vote). Others wanted to post parts, sent me stories, and my favorite--suggesting that I send my ideas to the big guys! Shadowloo was a fic where I co-authored, and I had a little help on Legends!

Vote for the upcoming fights in Destiny: SF, KOF, BAT, Tek, SS, DS, SC, Vs,

If you speak something other than English, here's something to try. First, highlight this site's url. Then, go here. Copy-paste this url in the box (any after or, and hit Translate. You'll now be able to see this site (and any other), in that langauge! Let me know if I should follow-up, and how. FYI--NEW ICQ: 91664602; I'll post when I have the ability to use it. IF I can remember to, I may be set before Nov 30!

Click me to see others I've seen, where they're from, their platform, and even browser!

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