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The Uncanny X-Ponies

Part 1: Awakening

By Moonstar

Imagine waking up one day and finding out you were different.

You didn't *feel* any different inside but somehow, outside, your whole world and yourself, would never be the same.

That's what happened to me.

I was called once by the name Blue Glory, as my body was of the deepest pretty royal blue in all Ponyland.

The very day of my thirteenth birthday everything seemed to happen at once:

My body grew small with longer legs and a littler head, and my body color faded to a light ice blue, my symbol (a dove), and hair turned white as snow.

And from that moment the whole world sang to me and was connected to me, for I could control the weather. So it was on that day, after a completely out of control display of my new found power, that I was renamed Storm Lark. At my home too , my people regarded me as more than a pony, a living goddess...but then, I was one of the lucky ones...

I wasn't the first pony this unearthly change had taken place in. There was a lot of such happenings in the recent years, ponies, then they came of teen age, suddenly changing in their appearances and becoming smaller, thin earthlings ponies (no matter where they were born pegi, unicorn, flutter, etc) with twinkle jewels that were in the center of their eye (instead of completely made up of a jewel like a "regular" twinkle eye), and wonderful powers of every type, far more powerful than any present day unicorn.

We are known as the next evolutionary stage in My Little Ponies, Equus- Superior, but to toughs that hate and fear us because of our different appearances we are known only as Mutanonys.


I flew low over the southern coast of Ponyland, the mist doing nothing to unable me to see down toward the land.

I would have been quite a sight, I was sure, if any pony had been out this way.

My body was that of an earthlings pony.. but here I was , flying along gracefully in the air , carried by winds of my own making.

My eyes were pure white with the jewel part of them shining like crystal as they always were when I used my mutanony powers.

I had decided to leave my island home about 5 years ago to go out in search of the legendary Friendship Gardens and Dream Valley, a place where our new race of pony lived peacefully...

"I said I WAS SORRY!"

..Unlike in the rest of Ponyland were hate was everywhere..

"You'll have to do better than "sorry" filly!"

..even were you never expected it.

The sounds of fighting and the cries of a young filly came to my ears from far below and I swooped down..down..down. The sight that met my eyes was not a welcome one:

About ten big, thug like stallions were ringed around a small filly mutanony wearing yellow hoof gloves.

They were armed with pitch forks , wooden rods , and just about anything a small farming pony community could think up to use as a weapon.

The filly, unarmed, was getting a few good kicks in, but it looked as though she was greatly out numbered.

I alighted on the ground just at the moment the ring was starting to close in on her..

"Okay, I didn't wanta have it come ta' this but ya all.." The red filly was lifting her hoofs but stopped talking and turned one eye to me "Who are YOU lady?"

"Your savior little GET DOWN!" I said quickly

Though she was a little unsure at trusting some pony that had just now dropped out of the sky, the young filly obeyed, dunking down and putting her hoofs over her head.

"Aah..what's the mare gonna do, ribbon us to death?" One of the stallion taunted toward me

"Actually, I quite like my tail ribbon, thank you!" I said quietly

Rearing up, I held my head toward the sky and called " RAGING WIND , AID ME!"

A wind of hurricane force whipped down from the heavens to twist around me , my symbol and eyes glowing as I took in it's power and sent it blasting out in every direction , sending the stallion bullies flying every which way.

The sky cleared slowly and my eyes turned back to there normal jeweled sky blue.

The little filly, I found, had been hanging on to my back leg the whole time with both hoofs to keep from being blown away.

She looked up at me now with large green jeweled eyes , her red white striped mane frizzled.

"Whoa! That was some trick you did there umm.. Ms..."

"I am called Storm Lark."

"I can see why!"

The little filly turned sideways so that her symbol showed clearly: it was a crystal colored tiger lily.

"My name's Tear."

"Really? That name doesn't seem to match your symbol.." I added softly

"I know...well it's not my REAL name and all..I can't really remem'er's 'cause of this." Tear pointed to her forehead with a hoof. Right in the middle of it was a tiny raindrop like scar..showing that she must have been a unicorn before she became a mutanony.

"I what is your power little one?" I asked, deciding the fact that she had been a unicorn might be useful later but not now.

"Darn it! I wish you'd stop callin' me that..Anyway my powers are acti'ally what got me into that fight, I can absorb any bodies energy though touchin' 'em skin to skin ..."

A groan met her words and I looked around to see the stallions, starting to come to after my attack.

"Come. We can talk while in the air. Those enemies of your's will not be down much longer!"

I grabbed one of teenage pony's gloved hoofs in mine and took to the safety of the sky faster than she could speak another word...

"Hey, hey! Le'go! I'm a big girl ya' know..I can fly by myself!" Tear huffed, jerking her hoof from mine and hovering beside me.

I was shocked " But you said you power was only.."

Tear laughed " It's a loooong story."

"One you'll have to tell me in time I'm sure. "

"Where are 'ya headed Storm Lark? " Tear asked cocking her head to the side

" 'I know ya' can't be from around HERE ..if we had mutanonies like you around toughs boys would give our kind more respect were it's due.."

I turned my muzzle to the climbing golden sun.

"No, I am journeying to a place called Dream Valley and Friendship Gardens to see a mushromp man called Professor Moochick you know of him?"

Tear's eyes twinkled

" Know of 'em? I was hoping to go there myself, I hear he can help with power troubles..Can I tag along with 'ya?"

I smiled

"Sure, always happy to have company."

Tear grinned, tying a green hair band across her forehead and mane and flying ahead with renewed energy.

"'KAY! Let's GOOO! .." *CRASH* "OOOW! Darn TREE!"

Tear eyed the tree that she had managed to run into head first in her enthusiasm.


She rudded her muzzle and gave the giant willow a swift kick that bashed wooden splinters out the other side of it's bark.

I watched in awe as the mighty tree that had probably lived for over four hundred years gave a groan of surrender and crashed to the ground.

(Super strength too?!) I gaped in my mind

Tear merely dusted off her hoofs

"It's a very very loooong story..." She grinned

I shook my head.

If nothing else , my mission to find Friendship Gardens would not be boring...
