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Being as little known anime as it is (Even though it was re-released in both 1990 and 1994)
A Journey Through Fairyland has not real offical site out there to it's name
but I have found a few that at least relate to it and some places that sell it as well..

Film Advisory Board, Inc
The board that awarded Journey Through FairyLand has a tiny
page for it in the award section, worth a peek:)

Sanrio Filmography
Learn about the early years of Sanrio, and A Journey Through Fairyland's brother and sister
films of the time like Unico and Ringing Bell

Ettinger's Masami Hata filmography
Wonder what other works the maker of A Journey Through Fairyland made?
Find out here.. This site has the best AJTF page I've ever seen

Chronology of Animation: 1984-1985
Dates of (most)every major animation that came out in Japan and the US in '84 and '85.

Rotten Tomatoes
Has a little info page and a *forum*,'s empty though:(

Ebay Search: A Journey Through Fairyland buying info:A Journey Through Fairyland

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