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Many say a picture is worth a tousand words.
Many more would say a picture, (movie that is) like Labyrinth is worth even more words than that, thanks to fan fiction;).
But how would the story of Labyrinth be with real tiny people playing it out in their own
tiny world using only pictures, a bit of text, and comedy thrown in for good measure?
Well, a little like adaption of the movie I am working on right now in The SIMS.
Yes, the famous computer game meets the handsome goblin king and plotline of Laby only to come out with my very first SIMS story;).
No fancy skins (visit Magic Dance if your looking for that sort of thing) or user made objects (okay, okay, more than a few self edited pics) ,
only the simple things that lead to some funny moments...

Hoggle, a little boy?
Sarah, biting into a magic steak dinner?
Sir Didymus , the noble pink plastic lawn flamingo?

All this, and a tiny bit more for Jareth lovers;)


So Sarah, how are you enjoying my labyrinth?
Sarah: overall..handsome-ness..remember he's the villain..Ah, what the hay! *starts bowing*
Jareth: *turns pink* Uh, Sarah darling, you forgot your lines again...

So far as of 1\05\03 I am:
5% done with the text of the story.
90% done with the picture taking.
50% done with the picture editing.
Picture count so far: 60
Album up on the SIMS exchange to be read yet: Nope

Like to see a PREVEIW?
Once done the story will be up on My SIMS Page