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Author's Note: All jokes made here are in harmless fun :). Comments on my story are always
welcome. I hope you like it:)

**From a far away time and space, Ponyland's greatest legend is about to began....**

My Little Soldier, My Little Soldier,

Kicking evil by moonlight,

Winning love by starlight,

Never ready for a real fight.

She is the one with the TV show called: My Little Soldier: Sailor Moon

She will always be there of a friend,

Tough her twinkling horseshoes are kinda slippin',

She is the one to whom we come trotting.....

She is named sailooorr...

Sailor Venus!

Sailor Mercury!

Sailor Mars!

Sailor Jupiter!

With secret powers so new and peculiar.

She is the one named sailor moon.

Kicking evil by moonlight,

Winning love by starlight,

With the other ponies of the Sailor Soldiers to help fight....

She is the one named Sailor Moon!

She is the one, Sailor Moon!


My Little Soldier: Sailor Moon


Episode 1: A Rainbow Moon Star Is Born


*A thousand years ago our moon was home to a great pony civilization ruled by Queen Serenity.
Everything was peaceful until the arrival of the evil Queen Barrel.*

A dark pony sits behind a green orb....

"HAHAHA! First the Moon stall be mine, then the universe! "

*To conquer the Moon, Queen Barrel unleashed the awesome power of the Negahorse!

Although her kingdom was destroyed Queen Serenity's last hope was the power of the Rainbow Of
Light and the Crescent Rainbow Wand.*

A white winged unicorn gazes weakly at the silver wand with red locket laying beside her...

"This Rainbow and Wand are the only things that can combat the power (and extreme weirdest ) of
the Negahorse, never let our enemies get them or the universe is doomed! But most of all you must
protect our dear Princess Serenity, understand?"

Two baby dragons with marks on their foreheads nod.


* Frozen in rainbow beam crystals, the queen sent the princess and the foals of the Moon to the
future on Earth.

Their memories lost to them all, the queen's baby dragon advisers Luna and Atemis must find the
princess, so she will all last be safe....*


The whole of Paradise Estate was quite and serene in warm early sunlight...

"AAAAAAAAAAA I'M LATE *AGAIN*!!"...That is, right up to this time each mourning.

The pink earth pony with yellow hair in two ringed buns and crescent moon w\ bunny symbol raced
downstairs; not notching of two of her family Bushwooles who was trying to put on her blue school
uniform legwarms and tail ribbon , she trotted madly this way and that.

"Mother! Why didn't you wakeu mea won time?!" She said agarly as one of the frazzled Bushwooles
brushed her teeth.

"I did Baby Bunny honey! THREE times, and each time you said you were getting up!"

"And you BELIEVED ME? Mom you gotta try harder!" She said, looping her book bag straps around
her neck and heading for the door.

"Bunny!" Her mom called

"I'm late!" Bunny yelled

"rAre'rnt wou forietting fomeving Honvey?" Her mom said holding out Bunny's lunch bag in her

"Oh..yeah.." Bunny sweatdroped


She yawned, galloping to school as fast as her hoofs could carry her...

"Why couldn't I have been born a pegasus?" she huffed " Or better yet, a unicorn! I bet they
never have to run..."

She turned a corner, only to see a small group of newborn twins corded around something, looking
a little too interested to be up to any good...

"Stretch out its wings..."

"No, how bout it's tail!?"

"I wanta feel it's tongue!"

"Hey you foals get away from that baby dragon!" Bunny yelled, rearing

The newborns ran off screaming.

She kneeled to check on the tiny black dragon with a leaf on its forehead.

" Did those soiled foals hurt you draggy?"

"RRRR,RRR,RRR!" The dragon growled bearing it teeth and breathing a blast of fire at the
unsuspecting pony.

Bunny sweatdroped, the tip of one of her buns flaming.

"W..well you seem, lets take that leaf off.." She reached down and pulled the leaf off
carefully with her teeth.

A symbol glittered in light as she did and little dragon did a backflip in the air away for her.

"A rainbow crescent moon?"She asked gazing at the strange marking on its forehead.....then she

"AAAAAA! Now I'm even MORE late!!" she screamed racing off at about the speed of light...



At the Sunshine Roads Jr. High where she went to school, Bunny had, as usual, been sent out in
the hall tough both recesses for being late. And as usual being punished made her hungry.

After all , I did miss breakfast," Bunny whispered

She looked slyly this way and that and opened her lunch bag.

Some how she had managed to stuff down four sandwiches, a soda and half a cherry pie slice in
less than two milliseconds when...

"BUNNY, NO EATING IN THE HALL!" ..her teacher Ms. Hippity-Hop caught her.

"But Ms. H I was hungaryeeee!!"

"Bunny you should work on your school work not your stomach! There's no excuse for failing!"

She held out Bunny's test with a big red 30%.

"I failed?!?!"


"Aw com'n Bunny it's not the end of the world." Molly, a red pony with wavy hair and a daisy as
her symbol, tried to cheer up her friend.

Bunny didn't even look up from where she laid in the grass, muzzle to hoofs in complete misery.

"You don't get it Molly. If my mom finds out I failed AGAAIIN she'll ground me, cut my jangles,
AND I wouldn't be able to go to the Perm Shop and .."

"Hidy-ho!" A light blue pony with HUGE bottle cap glasses popped up out of nowhere and startled
the two fullys. His symbol was a computer and mouse.

" Hey Bunny how'd you do on your test?

Bunny groaned and started to cry.

Oh did I hurt you? I sorry. Anyway, don't worry, I didn't do that ether!"

"Get a life Melven, Bunny doesn't want to talk about it!"

" No really! I did study and only got a 95% , how am I ever going to explain this to my parents?!

Molly and Bunny sweatdroped.

"Do we care?" Molly said half heartily

"oooOO she's gonna kill me..." Bunny wailed, still worrying about her mom.

"Bunny..did you hear about Sailor V last night?" Molly said changing the subject

Bunny looked up "Huh? Who's Sailor V?"

Molly gasped " You mean you don't know? She's a baby like us, and a yellow Twice As Fancy

She goes around and fights crime!"

"Wow! Really?.."

"Yeah, and I heard that last night she caught a stallion robbing a bakery for jangles !"

Both fillies nodded.

"Yeah I can see why some one would want to rob a bakery, there so popular. I love 'em!"
Bunny said drooling

Melven sweatdroped.

"Oh, popular that reminds me! My mom's having a discount sell at her shop today!" Molly said

"Discount?" Bunny asked getting a little starry eyed

"Yup, she's got every thing cupcakes, candy, even ice cream!"

"ICE CREAM? I LOVE ICE CREAM!" Bunny yelled , eyes totally starry

" Oh she's got all kinds, in all different flavors ! You gotta see it!"

"Chocolate and strawberry?!"

"Oh yeah!"

"Then what are we waiting for ?! Let's go!"

Melvin sighed and sweatdroped as they raced off

"Hee, hee, Bunny, beautiful, but a huge ice cream attic.."


Somewhere, deep beneath the Volcano Of Doom, in a place of lava, bones, and darkness, the evil
queen sat on a coach length throne. She was a tan colored alicorn with flame red hair and no

Her orange twinkle eyes sparkled coldly over the green orb staff that hovered in front of her,
suspended by dark unicorn magic.

"Has the Rainbow Of Light been discovered yet Jadeite?" She asked, her voice more a command than
a question.

"No, My Queen." A bodiless voice answered

"That Rainbow is the key to releasing the almighty Negahorse!"

"Yes!Yes!" Other ghostly voices coursed

"Really , well, if the Rainbow is not found yet I stall need energy, a great deal of energy from
the ponies of Earth!"

"Of course, Queen Barrel." The voice said again. A cloud of blue energy formed and a male pony
appeared , kneeling before the throne. He was sky blue in color with blue twinkle eyes and a
yellow mane . His symbol was dark fire flames.

"As we speak my servant is on the over side collecting energy. The My Little Ponies are weak and
gullible and will soon submit to our will!"

Queen Barrel turned her attention back to glazing into the staff's orb.

"Do not fail me Jadeite, I need their energy!"

"Yes, My Queen"


Meanwhile at the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe Molly's mom, Sherbet, seemed all gung-ho in the miss
of a really big sale.

"Come on in every one !" She yelled tough a megaphone that four Bushwoles were holding up.

. Ponies were stuffing their faces and drinking cream sodas all over , laughing and talking and
there wasn't a couch or chair left empty in the whole shopee.

"Wow there's so many customers today." Molly said in awe as they trotted in.

"Boy, she sure is energetic." Bunny noted too as Sherbet zipped from one place to another
(much to the unhappiness of the bushwooles) shouting again into the megaphone.

"Today everything is 90% off! Please feel free to eat anything!"

Somewhere in her evil thoughts far from the knowledge of all the ponies gathered there,
the monster that was disguised a Sherbet added with a chuckle:

"(And surrender your energy to the great Negahorse! For I am Rocky Road and my delicious sweets
will darn away all your energy!)"

Unseen to all but the monster a slow wave of energy was being drawn out from all the eating
ponies and into her ice-cream symbol.

Back at the underground of the volcano of doom Jadeite stood in darkness muzzle held high toward
the blue sphere of energy that hovered in the air.

He smiled cruelly and spoke telepathically

(You have done well Rocky Road. So much greed, so much energy! Queen Barrel will be most pleased. See that these ponies are prepared for the triumphant arrival of the Negahorse!)

Back at the shopee "Sherbet" smiled (As you wish Lord Jadeite)

"Mama?" Molly called

Molly's mom turned "Oh Molly your home!"

"This is my friend Bunny,"Molly said

Her mom smiled

"Welcome to my shopee. It's little crowded here, but have a good time."

"Okay!" Bunny said eyeing the ice cream.

"I know! Since you're Molly's friend I'll give you a special bargain!" Sherbet laughed

"Really? Cool!" Bunny skipped her eyes going starry again.

They came to a stop in front of some thing that looked like a mini skyscraper but after looking
up, up, and up, farther, to it's highest level.. Bunny realized it was a giant chocolate cake!

"Here Bunny, would you like this cake?" Sherbet grinned

"WOW. Would I...!" Bunny said in awe

"It's ten layers , for you four jangles."

"Ten layers, four jangles?!" Molly and Bunny chorused in disbelief

A big, fat hot pink pony pushed them over and made a mad dive for (and into) the cake...


All at once a huge chord of ponies suddenly galloped around the cake , each trying to get a
piece. Bunny and Molly barely had time to crawl out between their hoofs to safety.

"Holy smokes.." Molly breathed sweatdroping

"Gee, too bad I couldn't afford it.Things are so unfair today." Bunny wined

"Yeah, I'm kinda worried. Where are you going?" Molly asked

"I guess I'll go home and take a nap before showing my parents my grade*sigh*"

"Okay see you tomorrow Bunny. Be strong." She said putting her head on here friends shoulder.
Bunny started walking home very slowly , looking at her test in despair.

"How can I tell Mom I flunked another English test? How can I show her this thing?!" She said
stomping on her test paper and finally giving it a good kick up into the air...

"OW! That hurt meatball head." A voice said behind her

"Sorry." Bunny said half turning to see a black unicorn with a red rose symbol...reading her
test paper!

"30%?" He mumbled

"ARGH!" She screamed both outrage and embarrassment

"You should study more meatball head."

"Ooo..None of your business! Give me that!" She said snatching away the paper and moped as she
walked away

Who does that guy think he is?" Bunny turned and took a last look at the unicorn " Such a weird

The unicorn stared at her for a long moment as she walked away as if to trying to see something
half forgotten.....


The line of shops on the edge of the shopping district was the same as always , until Bunny saw
a new poster in a video arcade window.

"Hey it's Sailor V! She's got a video game too?" She breathed

The yellow pegasus stared back at her and the chains of orange hearts that covered her body seem
to glitter as she reared up in the poster, her red horseshoes, mask, and bow going along
perfectly with her yellow hair.
"I wish I could be like SailorV, she looks so smart and pretty I bet she never has to take tests.
Fighting bad ponies must be fun.." Bunny said rearing up against the glass, while unknown to her
a black baby dragon watched from behind a sign on the street.

"Who am I kidding? I'll never be like her with grades like this! Mom's gonna be so mad what am I
going to dooo?WAAAAAAAA!!..." Bunny wailed, starting for home again.
" last.." The baby dragon said, it's rainbow crescent moon mark shining...


"So how did you do on your English test?" Bunny's mom, Twinkler, asked

"Test in English?" Bunny mumbled nervously

"Yes you know, the one you had yesterday . Melvin got a 95 I heard."

" Really? Awesome, isn't he?" Bunny stomped her hoof threateningly "(That stupid big mouth...)"

"Well let me see.."

" see *Sigh* Okay." She said giving the paper to her mom.

For a spilt second Bunny could have sworn her mom's eyes blazed like fire.

"30?! You said you studied! Since you didn't... GO STUDY NOW! "

Before Bunny knew what had happened she was pushed out the door and it closed with a determined

"No Mom please....!" She pleaded tearfully , then stopped crying when she heard someone giggle...

It was a little brown boy pony about new born size with a blue teddy bear symbol. He eyed Bunny
and started to laugh again.

"Hehe, got kicked out to go to the library AGAIN? Sheze I wish I had a smarter sister!"

Bunny growled dangerously at her little brother and took on attack stance "Hey don't bug me

Sailor V Kick!"

"Waaa! Mom let me in!"Sammy wailed as the door opened and he rushed in.

" HUH? AAAAAAAAAA!" Bunny exclaimed as her kick missed it's mark, her front legs slipped,
and she fell head over hoofs down the pouch steps.



At the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe , ponies had stopped eating and where suddenly clinging to the
tables for support like slowly fading flowers..

"This weird.. me feel dizzy." A Teeny Tiny baby pony said collapsing to the floor

"I feel weak.." An orange pegasus whispered, barely having the strength to talk.

"What's wrong with everybody Mama?" Molly asked, looking at the fainting crowd with fearful eyes.

No sound came from were her mom stood only for a slow evil laugh...


Sherbet laughed louder still her head spinning completely around on her neck to look at Molly.
Her muzzle horribly deformed and twisted with patches of gray skin.

Molly gasped.


"Ahh studying is so boring all those books and words it can't be too good for a pony, how does
Melven do it?" Bunny sighed flopping down on her bed

"I don't feel like doing more homework tonight. I think I'll just have a little nap. *Yawn*
At least I'm good at sleeping... " She mummered, dozing off...

She was so sleepy in fact that the creaking of a window opening beside her didn't even disturb
her until..

SLAM! It closed loudly and she rolled over startled, coming muzzle to snout with the baby dragon
with the rainbow crescent moon.

"AK! Your that little black dragon from this morning! What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you Bunny." It said

"A talking dragon?! Oh man, I thought Spike was the only one that could do that!.."
Bunny exclaimed zipping over to the side of her bed and peering though the crib bars.

The little dragon cleared her throat seriously

"My name is Luna and I have been searching for you for a very long time.

First I want to thank you for taking the leaf bandage off my forehead.

With that thing on, I couldn't talk and all my powers were weakened. I couldn't get it off myself

But thanks to that, I finally found you and now I'm certain that you are..the Sailor Soldier of
the Moon!"

Luna declared

"I must be dreaming!" Bunny said putting her front hoofs over her head and trying to will
herself to sleep
" Bunny this isn't a dream! Wake up!" Luna said pushing on Bunny's head. The little pony just
tilted her head and pretended to snore.

"OK then I'll prove it to you!"

Luna leaped into the air doing a backflip and breathing fire all the way that disappeared .
A gold locket inlayed with red , green, blue and a pink crescent moon gemstones, on a silver
necklace, fell on the bed.
"What's that?" Bunny asked, opening one eye

"It's a locket, just for you." Luna said

"Wow it's so pretty!" Bunny said grabbing it up and in less than two mini second had it around
her neck and was posing in the mirror...Not paying any attain to Luna:)

"There are many strange things happening in.... Bunny , listen ! There are strange things
happening in Ponyland.

The police can't do anything about them. Bunny , you have to beat these enemies!

Bunny's ears perked up at that and she smiled

"Yeah , just like Sailor V!"

Luna sighed

"You're the chosen one, and you must lead the other warriors to find the Princess! It is your

"My destiny?" Bunny said still smiling

"You don't believe me, do you?" Luna growled

"Um I do..sorta.." said Bunny , not looking forward to being burnt to a chrisp again

"Really? Then, say this: "Moon Prism Power"!

Bunny gave her a little salute with a hoof and fell over.


holding the locket in her mouth she yelled:


Pink light came down from the sky into the locket and hotpink ribbons rapped around her body as
she spun in the air slowly , some weaving along her neck, making a blue striped sailor collar.
The ribbons glowed brighter and in two great blasts of light wings grew from Bunny's back.
She reared and her horseshoes, leg warmer and tail ribbon turned red. A ruby glowed on her
forehead as a band of ivy weaved silver formed and crescent moon earrings. Last, two circle
rubies flashed on her hair buns ....and she posed, wings outstretched, against a golden moon.

"No way?! I transformed?" Bunny gasped looking in the mirror and trying to turn to see her wings
and symbol, the bunny part of which had been replaced by a white star.

" Cool sparkly red horseshoes! and I'm a pegasus too ?????!!!" She jumped into the air happily
" Weee! look I can fly! I can..." BAM! Bunny groaned, sliding down the wall she had managed to
crash into, headfirst.

Suddenly Bunny's hairpieces flashed and a frightened voice yelled "Help...somebody! My mom is...!

Bunny cocked her head and listened...

"That's Molly's voice. What's going on?"

"Your friend's in big trouble. Now do you believe me?" Luna asked

"Yeah but I'm just a baby . Even for I am a peg now.." Bunny said unsure

"You're now Sailor Moon. You'll know what to do when you look into your heart, believe in
yourself ." Luna smiled

Bunny nodded "Okay!"


"AAAAAA help me !Somebody help me!" Molly screamed, trying to wiggle out of the monster's gasp,
who's front hoofs had formed into a clawed hand that held her above the floor by the throat.

"There's no help for you now little filly!" The monster gloated "Your mother is locked up in the
basement and the ponies of the shopee are now ruled by the Negahorse!"

"Let go of her!" A voice demanded

The Rocky Road turned to see a silhouetted little pegasus with blue eyes.."And who are you?"

"Um..lets see.."The little peg mumbled

"I am Sailor Moon champion of Justice and I say I stall right wrongs and triumph over evil! In
the name of Moon, I'll punish you!" Posing in the last fancy hoof motion that went with the
speech Sailor Moon lost her balance and fell. She sweatdroped.

Rocky Road laughed "Sailor Moon? Never heard of you and I never will again ! Arise my children
and serve our Our Great Ruler!"

The giant mob of ponies rose up from the floor, eyes glowing, and lunged at Sailor Moon.

"Ak!"She screamed, dodging a kick "Wa!" a unicorn came close to ramming her and pierced the wall
instead. A flutter pony catching her off grand, hit her with a gust of Utter Flutter, throwing
the little pink peg up against a counter HARD. Sailor Moon groaned in pain "Ooooww! that hurt.
Luna, I don't want to play this game any more!"

Come on, Sailor Moon. Get up and fight! If you don't, this universe could cease to exist!" Luna
said, nearly breathing fire.

"But I don't want to be a warrior! I wanta go home! WAAAAAA!" She cried

" Fine, this'll finish you off!" Rocky Road laughed, dropping Molly to the side and stretching
her claw out toward Sailor Moon at hyper speed. Sailor Moon froze in the middle of crying and

Suddenly like a red lightening bolt, a razor sharp rose flew though the air and dug into the
floor between the monster and Sailor Moon.

"Who is that?" The monster turned to see a figure in a open window.

It was a black unicorn wearing a mask, bowtie, and a cape that whipped in the wind . His symbol
was a mask and tophat.

"I am Tuxedo Mask. Crying will not solve anything, Sailor Moon.You must look inside yourself and
find the warrior within. It is your destiny!"

"That's easy for you to say...WAAAAAAAAA!" Sailor Moon wailed again, and her hair pieces lit up,
making her wailing louder and shaking the whole building.

"AH! STOP THAT HIDEOUS CRYING!" The monster yelled holding her hoofs over her ears

"Now Sailor Moon while she's stunned! Kick out your back hoofs and say "Moon Horseshoe magic!"
Luna said

"But Luna what good will that do?" Sailor Moon sniffed

"Just do it!" Luna commanded


Sailor Moon turned around ,a kicking off two of her sparkling red horseshoes and they turned
into boomerang discs of energy. Rocky Road screamed, as the discs exploded in a flash of light.

Sailor Moon watched in wonder as the monster turned into dust that poured at her hoofs.

"No way..."


The ball of light that Jadeite held suddenly disappeared

"No! The energy .. Rocky Road failed .. the fool. But someone will pay for this...."
He growled


"Splendid work, Sailor Moon. Other will test you but do not be afraid. I will fight with you."

Sailor Moon looked up at the sound of his voice . Tuxedo Mask grinned and with a final fleeing
image of his cape, winked out.

"Good job, Sailor Moon." Luna said proudly

But Sailor Moon wasn't really listening, only looking at where the stallion had been,
her eyes filled with hearts:)

"What a stallion..".


At school the next day Molly and a few other ponies were talking around Bunny's desk.

"I had a really great dream. A super heroine named Sailor Moon appeared and saved me for an
evil monster!" Molly said happily

"I had the same dream!" Baby Blossom exclaimed

"Me too!" said Baby NorthStar

That's weird. Bunny isn't that the weirdest? Bunny?" Molly nosed the curled up pony

Bunny opened her eyes sleepily "Could you guys keep it down? I missed my nap yesterday and
just need a little more sleep.*yawn* Goodnight."


(^-^) "Luna, I'll read your fortune."

^~ ~^ "Bunny, fortune telling is fine, but don't forget your mission."

(^-^)"Don't be a nag Luna. I AM doing my job as a super heroine!"

^~ ~^"Really?"

(^-^)"Everybody who went to this psychic shop has been acting weird. This could be..."

^~ ~^ "It's a case, Bunny!"

~*~Next on Sailor Moon: "Unfeeling Fortune " ~*~

***The rainbow of light carries the message of love!***

 My Little Soldier, My Little Soldier,
Have you ever touched the moon?
My Little Soldier, My Little Soldier,
Will our destiny show soon?
Adventures are calling; as stars are all falling
The moon princess is waiting 'round the bend
My Little Soldier, My Little Soldier,
Won't you tell me the tale once again?
Won't you tell me the tale once again?