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This is a painting done by Lorenzo della Fontana, who was a diciple to the great Leonardo Da Vinci, who needs no introduction. Now at first glance, it looks like a standard rennosaunse painting: cherubs and a Madonna. But take another look: there's clearly a mysterious orb to the right of the Madonna's head, and down below, nearly indesipherable, is a guy and what looks like a dog looking up at it. What is this thing? Most people say it's a UFO that may have been sighted and he put in the painting. Some say it's supposed to be one of Da Vinci's flying machines he made. Some say it's where a blob of paint fell on the canvas, or a blob that was from a previous, abandoned painting on the canvas, since they recycled canvas instead of trashing it. Now it could be a simple blob, but look closely: it's too detailed. it's almost a perfect oval, and has what looks like a smaller dome with two portholes on the rounded top. Plus, there's the guy and dog in the corner looking up at it. Highly doubtful this is an accident. Another theory is that it is one of Da Vinci's famous invention sketches in action. He made several flight based war machines, so it could be the case and Della Fontana wanted to delight Da Vinci with it. This could very likely be the case. Or the traditional theory of this being a UFO, of course, can't be ruled out, as to it looks a lot like one. So what the hell is this thing? I don't know for sure, but I belive one thing: it's meant to be there. It's no fucking accidental blob of paint. So unless we can raise the dead and ask the artist, find an ancient document of it, or talk to the guy's spirit or ghost, it's true meaning will forever be a mystery.

The UFO in the painting Madonna and St. Giovannio

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