Prophetic Word

Jeremiah 1-Sunnysnet -Prophetic Endtimes Ministries

Hear Me this Day for I speak, and I declare, I and no other!

My lambs have I carried in my arms. for you have not fed or tended them. And my bride layeth against my breast, weeping in travail, my little ones cling to my skirts, resting against my thigh.

And yet you have not tarried with me, nor sought my face. but you have sought to serve me In the arm of your own flesh. I have stood at the door knocking. and yet you have not opening unto me.

Yet you bring me your gifts, straw and wood. Vain platitudes and fair speeches, and with thy songs. saying," look how we serve Him!" In vain do you serve me! For you heart is far removed from me.

You say," But We have Prayed and sought thy face, with our tears!" And I will tell you, you have prayed amiss, to consume it upon thy own lusts ! For you desire your own path, and Love it so! You have fatten your self, and tended not that which is mine.

A broken and contrite heart, I will not despise, nor a dim flame will I extinguish. Repent and humbled your self, or shall I come to you with an rod? I could through adversity strip thee bare, and so I shall, if you do not repent.

You will stand naked, barren, alone, helpless before me, unless you heed my voice this day, For I am weary of your rebellion. For I have called thee repeatedly,and you have despised me!

"Wherein have we despised you Lord?" In as much as you have despised those That came in my name, unto thee, So you have Hated Me!

Heed now my voice for I am about to shake the ground under your very feet. That you may know that it is I, and none other, that speaks to you this day.

When you come to me with a truly penitent heart, and seek me with all your heart, Then shall you hear my voice, saying, " Here is the way walk thee in it."

"Heed me not and you alone shall bare it."

Jan 11, 2001

Through His servant, sunny


Sunny's Commentary On Matthew 25: 1-13


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