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November 13
To Have And To Hold
November 20
November 27
Behind The Music
Samuel Rising
Tales Of Two Parties

These spoilers are a compilation from many sources. They come from: RAMS, Fan Forum, and E! Online

Episode #6 - To Have And To Hold

  • At Jesse's bachelor party, Max interrogates Jesse's friends. Max eventually finds out that Jesse was once in the FBI

  • At the reception after the wedding, Isabel dances with a man, this man ends up being Kivar.

  • Michael and Kyle gather up Jesse's Harvard friends to go play pool.

  • Michael is unaffected by the alcoholic drink he drinks, though Max is another story!
Episode #7 - Interruptus

  • During Isabel's and Jesse's honeymoon, Kivar follows them there.

  • Kivar kidnaps Jesse and somehow "zaps" him right in front of Isabel.

  • After Isabel and Jesse leave for their honeymoon at "La Jolla", Kyle tells Max and Michael that Isabel danced with Kivar at the reception. They look at the wedding tape and they see Kivar. They travel to La Jolla to fight Kivar.

  • When Max and Michael get to La Jolla, they see Isabel kiss Kivar. Max's cellphone rings, he picks up and its Liz, Liz tells Max who Kivar is

  • Max and Michael go to Isabel's hotel room, while they are there, Isabel tells them that she loves Kivar.

  • The boys try to ambush Kivar, that fails but they do beat him. How exactly? Not yet known

  • While working at the Crashdown, Maria finds out that Kivar possessed a human named Denny Ridgely
Episode #8 - Behind the Music

  • This episode deals with Maria and her love for singing.

  • In this episode, there is this guy name Billy Darden. He kisses Maria.

  • Billy finds Alex's guitar and puts it out. When Maria see's it, she puts the guitar back.

  • Max and his Dad go fishing in this episode. Mr. Evans investigates Max's jeeps to find out what he's hiding. He also investigate what Max has to do with Tess' disappearance.

  • Jesse joins Mr. Evans to find out what Max is hiding.

  • At the end of this episode, Maria breaks up with Michael.
Episode #9 - Samuel Rising
***Christmas Episode***

  • The autistic boy is named Samuel. He goes up to Max and says "Daddy." Samuel's mother is extremely happy about this because due to Samuel's autism, Samuel doesn't speak.

  • The Christmas Nazi is back! Isabel's Christmas Nazi attitude is back. Her obsession for perfection at Christmas time is driving everyone crazy again.

  • Isabel convinces Liz and Maria to dress up as elves named Cinnamon (Liz) and Snowflakes (Maria) Isabel also convinces Michael to be the Santa.

  • Cinnamon and Snowflakes notice how well Michael is with the little children.

  • Jim invites his new girlfriend, Shelby (who is in her 20s) to spend Christmas with him and Kyle.

  • Kyle see's Shelby walking around in his shirt and is angry at this.
Episode #10 - Tale Of Two Parties
***New Year's Episode***

  • Jim's band plays at the Crashdown for a bunch of senior citizens.

  • Liz meets an old lady who recognizes her name Gladys. She gives Liz advice on her love life and to focus on the now . . . the present

  • There is a contest at the Crashdown for the best New Year's Resolution.