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Raptor One

- (10-04-03).

- Let's see how long I can keep a text web theater going.(10-03-04). P.S. Check out the last two dates that I updated this site. Ooky huh?

- This is another test.(10-09-04) P.S. It didn't work.

- My friend has a site - Monkeys-N-Rum. Seeing it suddenly makes me want to shape this place up. I had fun signing his guestbook.(06-14-05)

- (12-31-05)New Year's Eve Party today. It's storming pretty hard right now(10:55AM). But I'm still going to go through with this. I've gone through with it last year and the year before that. Both times it rained, but we still had fun.

- (3-2-07)Damn. . . That was a year ago? I didn't even do an End of 06 party post(it went great though, met a girl but didn't get her number). By the way, today is March 2, 2007(holy shit yea). Find me on MySpace as Dragon Wing Lord. I'll probably move all my web activities to there eventually.

- [12-01-07]It's been hundreds of days since I came here again. I'm updating my e-mail address for every site I ever had an e-mail link to link to my correct e-mail address.

- [08-04-09]I'm surprised this place is still up. I've deleted my myspace. I don't understand these things(facebook, twitter, skype, ect). Are people's lives so devoid of content that everyone feels the need to inform the world of what they are doing every hour on the hour? I've got enough stuff going that I barely have time to check my e-mail, and then, only because I actually HAVE to check my e-mail, not because I have nothing better to do, because, there always seems to be something I have to be doing. Rather than reporting to the world what I should be doing, I simply go do it, and then move on to the next thing that needs to be done. I'm thinking these things either cause, or prolong procrastination. We'd all get a lot more done if we actually got up off our asses and did those things, rather than sitting around informing the world of what we should be doing within the next hour. Sheesh. . .

Portals to other realms - These transporters will take you off my ship to their worlds

Long Duck Dong's Forum
Cloud Of Sparrows(the new Leprechaun Maddness site) After an initial rockstar-t, this place died too.
Earth 2025(or was it 2525?) It's a turn-based, online, web browser game
Utopia. By the makers of Earth. Similar system, but this one's in real time. It's also got a community of hardcorers that make it hard for new people to get in without being hassled.
Ogame. Another one I heard about from a friend. Haven't actually checked it out myself.
Imperial DikuMUD. I was an active player from 1999-2004. It's still interesting, but way too time consuming.
ArcticMUD. One of the longest lasting MUDs out there.
Sluggy Freelance. Pete Abrams has been writing this thing since 1998. It's been going so long it has it's own history and continuity. That, and Pete's really good at keeping the reader guessing.
