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Its a cold, dark, windy night. You've been wandering around the Northlands for days, half starved and lost. You're about to sit down and try to freeze to death when you hear a shriek above you. Looking up, you see a large hawk circling you, his golden eyes watching your every move. Suddenly, he swoops down and relieves you of your weapons! You chase after him, desperately trying to stay on your feet. Then you start to see lights up a head! A large castle carved into the mountain-top looms before you, and the hawk alights atop the battlements. You stand before the bridge that crosses the frozen river between you and the castle, unsure of what to do...

Welcome to Pyrene, a vermin club in the Northlands. This is a club based on the Redwall series, so if you don't know what Redwall is I suggest you go and read one of the books and come back. I hope to see you join soon!


Sai Silvertongue, leader of Pyrene

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Being a goodbeast, and not wanting to follow the larcenous hawk, you decide to set up camp near the river...