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my page that has stuff on it

Alright, i'm adding a random news page that i meant to put up a while ago, so go there to find out what's new and stuff and things and stuff, so yeah....and sign the guestbook please^_^
View that thing you sign Free Guestbook by Guestpage Sign that thing you sign
  • News (11/7/02)
  • Um...yeah (11/24/02)
  • I like Chocobos, thanks again Chris^_^ (10/2/02)
  • My art (10/2/02)
  • Pictures of some cool people (11/5/02)
  • Musik!(6/22/02)
  • Stuff and Things and Stuff (5/13/02)
  • links to places (11/24/02)
  • Who are you?
  • So do you know me?

  • Take the Invader Zim quiz!
  • (6/10/02)
  • Disclaimer/Warning thingy:
    This website contains insane logic, things of absolutely no sence, complete stupidity, some intelligence (since i'm not completely unintelligent), stories, poems, etc. and other stuff you may not understand. Welcome to a slight glimpse into my chaos. Oh yeah, if you steal any of my artwork and say it's yours, i'll beat your ass with a foam sword.