The Freak Show

Welcome to the, uh, well, Freak Show.(/!!! depending on your point of view) I debated over whether or not to use the phrase "Come one, come all, come see th Freak Show!" but I figured that I should try spelling the words right, especially if they occur in the first few lines of the page, or else you may think less of ME, not that your opinion really matters, so I thought of putting it up anyway, but no more than two seconds (actually, it was more like one, but "two" sounds better doesn't it?) later, I realized that you're already here, so, it would be kind of dumb to say "come" and the fact that this is now being referred to as "the Freak Show" would be enough of whatever it exactly is. I also figured a bunch of run-on sentences in the begininng would get you used to it early on, which is important since the disclaimers are esstenially just one big sentence. As to the new name, it's not because you personally are a freak simply for viewing this page, assuming of course that YOU are reading this, and not having someone read this to you, and you should now I feel about this, but rather that others who read this and don't fully understand the "truth" or ME tend to refer to the "truth" or ME as such, or a number of other terms, but if I were to use them all, the title would be quite long and a title really should be so long to the point that it takes more than one line, because people are lazy. Now I know that's a big revelation for all of you, so I guess I should leave some time for it to sink in for you...

That should be long enough for you, if not, scroll back and and come back down as many times as necessary, but then again you are likely lazy too, so you can just sit here and stare at your monitor dumbly for however long it takes, although you will likely suffer some horrible "accident" brought on by "them" (now some people may argue that statistically it isn't likely, but the fact that you're at this site increases your chances because you are making an attempt to discover the "truth," however, it only becomes more likely for those that need to stare dumbly at their screen as they are less likely to fully comprehend the "truth" and defend themselves against "them," but then again if you are actually reading this part, then more than likely you are not staring dumbly at your monitor, unless you are a great multi-tasker, in which case you should probably be fine, probably...). By now anyone who accidentally stumbled across 'this here place' is gone, and that little phrase got rid of the rest. So, for the however many left of you (probably around one and a half, and my numbers are surprisingly accurate) that actually wanted to see this Freak Show and haven't been dumped offline, go play because I'm getting tired...........

Conspiracees--Old, New, Semi-new, actually, this hasn't been updated for a while except one or two things, so pretty much all of them are old, but you probably need to brush up so...

For All of you People Who Really Don't Know The Answers, Here They Are
Visit Ortho!! He doesn't bite, and considering the fact that he's a pig, he's quite nice!
- Martians, For Those Of You With Tiny Brains, I'd Be Refering To Beings From Mars
- Batman's Bid For The Presidency, Or At Least MY Bid For Batmam's Bid For The Presidency
- Why
- [Hey! No Title This Time, You're Just Going To Have To Read It To Find Out What It Is!]
- The Real Deal With The Whole Changing The Clocks Thing (for some reason I put a parenthesis here, I don't remember why though...)
- Education Symposiums--The Truth
- How WonderFlea, The Flea We All Love So Much, Became The Flea We All Love So Much!!
- The Whole Explanation Behind Your Birthday (well, almost the whole thing)
- The Elvisness Truth--Obviously we could give you a big explanation here, but then what would be the point of clicking on the link?!? We also could have thought of a better title, but again, what would be the point, well there might be one, but I don't feel like reaching for that backspace key right now...
- Why You All Absolutely Need To See TRICK OR TREAT!!!! It's Extremely Important!

More Stuff Coming Soon From ^Rabbit^, ME, Bob, and Chuckie and some other people, but this hasn't been updated either so, yet again...: