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Welcome and Merry Meet. You have entered our nest.

Well Merry Meet Again my dear friends. It's time to update you on a few things. Think you'll enjoy this a little better. So here goes. :)

October 31, 2002, Samhain Rite:

I sat quietly in my sacred space meditating on what I wanted of the year to come. I cleaned my altar and arranged it accordingly so. Black candles to illuminate the dark room. Book of shadows on the side of my cauldron open to the page for Naming Rites. I raised my staff and called to the Goddess of 10,000 Names. My Lady Isis. I asked her to protect me and join me in my ritual. As my candles flickered and my body relaxed, a cool breeze flowed through the room. I knew She was there. I asked His Lordship, Osiris to join as well.

Once They were settled, I began. I'd chosen the name that had called to me. That had caught my eye while reading on my path and the Goddess that had chosen me. The name that would carry me to my next lesson, NephersesAset, The Beautiful Isis. I wrote the name for the first time as I chanted my blessing. And signed it at the bottom of the page. I'd accepted the name that had come to me. Called to me. It was now mine to own, respect and take care of and honor. I am now known as, NephersesAset.

This name is two of Isis' many. It belongs to the path of the Isian. The path of the Ancient Ones of Egypt. This path found me from my workings with a group that is also of the same path. They are wonderful and I owe them so much for helping to see that this is where I belong. They are the Iseum of Paedusis. You guys are wonderful in many ways. And I thank you for your time and patience in my learning. You may not know it but you've all taught me so much over the last year. I look forward to working with you more.

As many of you know. I am married to a wonderful woman, Raven. She and I have been in union for 4 1/2 years now. We are very happy. Yet, very different. But I think difference it good. It leaves a little spice to life. And that is really good. We never know what to expect from the each other in any situation.

In my studies, I've come across so many things. Don't really know where to start. But in the pages to come. I'll be sure to arrange it so that you will know what I know so far. In my pass-time, I've began mixing oils and herbs into body glows for various uses. I've given them away mostly as gifts to friends for the past Yule. And a few bath salts as well. I'll let you know how they come along as well :)

Until we Merry Meet Again,

Merry Part and Em Ma'at Em Hotep


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