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the first rule of pussy-core is...oh shit, i forgot!

download the mp3 for "valentines day(demo)" here!

and check out the news section for random updates here!

conor on the left, mike on the right. photo by eleanor martz.

conor, having never spoken to mike, and knowing only that he plays guitar, gives mike a note at school about starting a weezer cover band. mike calls conor, they talk about music, discover that they click pretty well, and decide to go through with some sort of musical project. conor will sing, and mike will play guitar. later, hardcore metalhead daved lockhart agrees to play bass, and aaron moreno (prop 808) offers to play drums. conor and mike decide on the name "linus" and start practicing(sometimes, even with the other people in the band!).

hammering out a shaky repetoir of cover songs, the quartet books a show at punk rock venue 420 south bascom with the help of scenesters down and out, and things are looking up. aaron moreno drops out of the group to focus on school, but thankfully nate stein (amazingly talented drummer, formerly of permanent holiday and currently working with illegal elian) saves the day and agrees to take aaron's place for the impending first show. later, after one too many clashes with conor over the group's lack of metalness, daved lockhart announces that he will part with linus after the 420 show. oh well.

linus plays their first show on october 13, 2000, and like most first shows, it sucks ass. when the smoke clears, conor and mike start writing original material, and gradually, they dig themselves out of the reputation earned with their first-outing disaster. somewhere along the line they end up with an independant label record deal. where it goes from here? who knows.


sizign the gizuestbook

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