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Welcome to Linda's homepage!

Homepage created for TC 3320 Internet Programming Language

-All pages created using html in notepad

California State University, Hayward

My Profile and Resume

Web page design projects:
-Assignment#1 Warner Peripherals
-Assignment#2 Tristate Estate
-Assignment#3 Millennium Computers
-Assignment#4 CISUnion Java Script
-Final Project-Twin Life Magazine

Some classes I have taken at Cal State Hayward: (will update)
Class Number Description
TC4266 Network Software & Architecture
Experienced in Novell Netware 5.0
Mgmt4650 Strategic Management
Composed a Strategic Business Plan for a tech support company
Mgmt 4670 International Business
Composed a business plan for a startup company
TC3250 Data and Computer Communications
TCP/IP, Internet Security, IP routing, UNIX
CIS4271 Database Management
Relational Database Design
MKT3495 Business Letter, Memo
Business Research paper
Business Presentation
MGMT3620 Production & Operation Mgmt
Inventory Mgmt
Supply Chain Mgmt
JIT, etc
ACCT3200 Managerial Acct.
MGMT3100 Mgmt and Sicence
Quantitative Mgmt
Using POM for Windows QM for Windows software
CIS3281 System Analysis & Design
CIS3271 Structured Programming Language
BASIC Language; C++
CIS3282 COBOL Programming Language
FIN3300 Financial Mgmt
Researched and composed financial analysis Project using ratios and tools

My Favorate Website

Cathy's Garden at Giverny Cal State Hayward CNN News
Bill'squick3d.gif San Fran Bay Online News HotVoice-free email acct. MSNBC News

Boyz II Men - click to get lyrics

  • On bended Knee
  • I'll make love to you
  • Broken hearted
  • 4 seasons of loneliness
  • A song for mama
  • End of the road
  • One sweet day
  • Just hold on
  • Pass you by

    Email Me!

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    Homepage composed by Linda Feng, 2000
    Website Under Construction