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bombˇshell art

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digital images

web art

Impossible, 2001

Cosmo Girl #3,

coming soon:

The subjects for many of my works are picture-perfect body parts (mostly legs) in seductive poses, juxtaposed against unlikely objects or designs. I think of these bodies as "fake bodies"--being manipulated not only by their own lifestyle (anorexia, cosmetic surgery, etc.), but by the pressures of society, and by modern technology, which can alter and manipulate their images.

My model for these works is high fashion photography, which has raised many political and social issues. My interest in painting these images stems mainly from trying to understand my own obsession with them. I have developed a love-hate relationship with fashion advertisements; on one hand being drawn to them because they are aesthetically seductive, and one the other being repulsed because I know that these body images are not something the average person can ever attain. My recent paintings are about society's obsession with body-centered media images, and this complex relationship that average viewers have with them. Some of my other works have dealt with similar issues: the voluntary and involuntary manipulation of women's physical bodies, and the way society often uses women's bodies to represent and define them (rather than defining them by intelligence or accomplishments).

I consider myself an acrylic painter because that is my primary medium, but I am constantly experimenting with news ways to express my ideas, including performance art, found object sculptures, and digital imaging.

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